Monday, January 1, 2018

Luke 17  Jesus gives us some truths to guide us into living faithfully..

v1-2  Stumbling blocks are traps, snares, or temptations to sin.  Jesus warns us to not be a stumbling block to others, for it would be better for us to be thrown into the sea.. than to cause others to sin.  Whether that is another believer, an unbeliever, or even our children... we must carefully consider the influences we have on them.   Do we cause them to have faith?  Or not?  Do we help them learn the Word of God, the Truth?  Or do we ignore our responsibility to share the gospel?   If we are not doing all we can to lead others to Jesus, then we must repent and diligently begin to live as Christ's servants.

v3-4 Jesus tells us to be "on your guard" - to help others by "rebuking" them if they do stumble - not in a judgmental way, but coming along side of them to lead them back to Jesus.  We are to be loving and compassionate, but we are also called to be truthful and righteous.  To ignore our friend or brother when we see him or her falling into the trap of satan.. is not loving them at all.  Forgive and forgive as often as necessary, as long as they repent.

v5-6  The disciples ask Jesus to give them more faith.  Jesus tells them that just a small grain of faith is necessary.. if you act with it.

v7-10  Jesus tells us that, as His disciples, we are responsible to be obedient to Him, our Master.  Even if we do everything that He asks.. perfectly,  we are " unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have done."   Are we willing to live in this way?  To lay it all down for Him and not pat ourselves on the back for doing what we should be doing anyway?

Perhaps, in this New Year.. the Shepherd is giving me/us some "resolutions" here:
1. Resolve to NOT become a stumbling block to anyone else's faith . 
2. Resolve to look out for others, helping them turn from sinful life choices. 
3. Resolve to forgive - anyone, anytime, for any reason. 
4. Resolve to live by faith.. actively, daily, faithfully
5. Resolve to be humbly obedient to God's Word... a good and faithful servant

Father God, may You be exalted in my life, in my words and actions this year as I once again commit myself to You.  You are my Master and I am Your slave.  Fill me Holy Spirit that I might comprehend and obey the Word each and every day.  Help me to keep these resolutions and any other directions that You have for me this year. I ask this in the Name of Jesus, my Lord. Amen.

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