Monday, January 22, 2018

Luke 23-24  Chapter 23 tells of the trials before Pilate and then Herod.  Over and over Pilate declares that Jesus is not guilty, but the voices of the chief priests, rulers, and the people  " began to prevail".. and Pilate finally granted them their demand.  Jesus was delivered "to their will".  He was crucified and buried.  Luke writes this, " and all the multitude who came together for this spectacle, when they observed what had happened, began to return, beating their breasts."  

I find that I cannot read of the death and burial of my Lord without going on to the 3rd day.. His resurrection!  It is important to know that Jesus died on the cross.. that His blood was spilled and His body Isaiah wrote,  that " ..... He Himself bore the sin of many..." But, how glorious is the truth that He rose on the third day, just as He said!  He is alive and is at the right hand of the Father even now, interceding for us!

Luke abbreviates the account of what happens on that glorious day:
The women come and find the empty tomb and speak to the angels there.
Peter runs to the tomb and finds it empty.
Jesus walks with 2 men on the road to Emmaus.
Jesus appears in the upper room and speaks with His disciples.

Twice we are told Jesus explains "... the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures."  First to the two men in Emmaus and then to the disciples in the upper room.  ( v27, 44-45).  This time, they truly understand.

Clothed with "power from on high" they are declared to be His witnesses, ".. that repentance for forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem." 

Father in Heaven, You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  How thankful we are that Your plan to bring us to salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, is to bring "all nations" to repentance and reconciliation with Yourself.  What good news!
We are amazed at the death of One so innocent on our behalf.  We are amazed at the resurrection and at the glorified body of Jesus Christ.  We are in awe of His ascension into Heaven... to sit at Your right Hand and to mediate for us.. who are born in sin and enemies until Your love reaches us and we turn to You confessing our sins and calling upon the Name of Jesus!  We are so thankful that He covers us.. He overshadows us and that His blood makes the payment for our sins.  Fill us, Lord, with power from on high.. that we will also be Your witnesses to the ends of the earth. Amen.

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