Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Luke 22:1-23 Jesus and His disciples celebrate Passover together.  This is the last time that they will dine  together before His death on the cross.  This is the place that Jesus reveals the New Covenant that will be initiated by the shedding of His blood and the breaking of His body.

A new covenant - a better, eternal, perfect testament between God and mankind.  The Law was unable to save or to make anyone righteous.  It was unable to change the heart of men.   But, the new covenant is based on the promises of God.  By His grace, as we place our faith in Jesus Christ, our High Priest forever, the final and eternal sacrifice.. we are saved and given a righteousness that we can never earn.  He has made us complete!

The time of suffering for Jesus is just hours away.  His desire was to "eat this Passover" with His friends.  Judas would betray Him and kill himself.  Peter would deny Him and weep bitterly.  Thomas would doubt.. all of them would run away.  This last meal was a shelter before the storm. So significant that we incorporate it into our church's liturgy. To remember...

His body was broken.
His blood was shed.

Without this we would have NO hope.  NO salvation.  NO righteousness. NO eternal life.

Father we come to the throne of Your grace, in Jesus Christ, our Great High Priest, to honor You and to give You thanks for this new covenant.  Holy Spirit, we yield to Your leading, so that we may know the Truth and walk in it, by faith in our Lord Jesus.  Open our eyes to see and our hearts to receive spiritual wisdom and understanding.. in order that we may walk in a manner worthy of  our Lord.  In His name we pray. amen

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