Friday, January 5, 2018

Luke 18: 9-14  Jesus tells another parable about prayer.  Two men went into the temple to pray.  The first was a Pharisee, a religious leader.. a supposedly devout Jew.  His prayer was prideful.  He thanked God that he was not a sinner - and bragged of his religious practices.  This man, Jesus says, will not leave justified.  His prayer asked nothing of God.. for he felt no need of Him.

The second man was a tax-gatherer.  He worked for the Romans and was despised by his countrymen.  His prayer was honest and earnest.  " God, be merciful to me, the sinner."  Jesus says that this man, who humbled himself before God.. who looked to God for what only He could supply- mercy... went away justified.

If the first parable in this chapter teaches us to boldly approach our Father with persistence .. then this one teaches us that our attitude in prayer must be absolute and humble dependance on Him.  "Blessed are the poor in spirit", Jesus has taught us.  We are so spiritually poor that if He does not answer, we will die.  We must seek Him and find Him.. our source of life, the Giver of mercy. 

V15-17  The people bring their children to Jesus, that He might touch them.  The disciples try to intervene.. after all Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem and He is a busy man...  But, Jesus calls for the children, " Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." 

I am reminded of the lessons of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son... our Savior values each one of us.  We are His beloved... whether we are children or adults... whether we are lost or not.. we are important to Him. These little children had great value in the eyes of our Lord.  And, right now, wherever we are and whatever is happening in our lives.. He still says, "Come".

Father in Heaven, how blessed is Your Name in all the earth!  Jesus Christ our Lord, how glorious You are!  We come to You as needy and poor children and You take us into Your lap and touch our heads . You wrap Your arms around us and hear our whispered prayers for mercy.  Oh, how You love us.. each of us are precious to You.  We don't understand why.. but we are so thankful that it is so!

I love You, my Lord.  I want to rest in the shelter of Your wings and in the shadow of Your Hand. I ask for Your Holy Spirit to fill me.. to fill us, Your children today.

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