Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Jeremiah 1  Jeremiah is from a family of priests that live outside of Jerusalem . He is called to be a prophet while he is still a young man.  His encounter with God is powerful and unique.  God says:

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you."  God "knew" him... saw him, acknowledged him, recognized him, observed him, considered him.... before he had been conceived by his parents, before he had a body, before his heart began beating, before he took his first breath.

"And before you were born I consecrated you."  God "consecrated " Jeremiah.  He dedicated him, separated him, prepared him, purified him.. kept him holy.

" I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."  Not to Israel only, but to the gentiles.. to the world, Jeremiah would speak the Word of God.

The Lord promises Jeremiah that He will:

Send him.. and he will go. v7
Command him.. and he will speak. v7
Deliver him. v8
Make him a like a "fortified city... a pillar of iron.. and walls of bronze." v18
"And they will fight against you, but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you." v19

The Lord puts His words directly into Jeremiah's mouth. v9  And then appoints him "over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant."   Jeremiah  was given a task that was beyond his ability to perform.  It is a ministry of warning and judgement.. sorrow- filled and tragic.  He began his ministry in the days of Josiah, a king who did right in the eyes of the Lord.. but after Josiah came only those who did evil.. and Jeremiah was still there when Judah is taken into exile.

The Lord prepares Jeremiah for what is coming - " And I will pronounce My judgements on them concerning all their wickedness, whereby they have forsaken Me and have offered sacrifices to other gods, and worshiped the works of their own hands."   But, " don't be dismayed before them, lest I dismay you before them, " the Lord warns Jeremiah.

Jeremiah is a remarkable man... called as a boy and given a task that had to be so heart-breaking, that only with the Hand of God on him.. could even begin to obey it.  The Lord speaks to Jeremiah twice more in this chapter.  Both times He begins with a question, " What do you see Jeremiah?"
This is a way that is used again during the years of Jeremiah's ministry.  The Lord opens Jeremiah's eyes, taking his physical sight and revealing spiritual truths. 
Jeremiah sees an almond branch.  The Lord tells him that he has "seen well"  and then reveals that He is "watching over [His] word to perform it." 
Jeremiah sees a boiling pot, facing the north.  The Lord reveals that evil is coming from the north against Jerusalem to bring judgement.

So, what do we hear the Shepherd saying to us from this message to Jeremiah?
The same God who knew Jeremiah before his conception.. knows each of us too.
The same God who chose Jeremiah before his birth .. calls us too.
God, the Holy Spirit puts His words in our mouths.. we are promised. ( Luke 21:14-15)
God is with us and will deliver us also.

May we be faithful to speak all that the Lord commands and to go everywhere the Lord sends us.

Father in heaven,  Holy and exalted God, You have made us, knit us together in our mother's wombs. You call us to Yourself and give us a ministry of telling others the good news of Jesus Christ.  Open our eyes to see the spiritual realities before us.. to keep our eyes on You.. on the unseen reality of Your Kingdom.  It is so easy to be living in this temporary and carnal world without acknowledging that what is really True is what we need to live for .. Your Kingdom come and Your will be done, we pray in the mighty name of Jesus, our King and Great High Priest. Amen.

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