Friday, January 26, 2018

Jeremiah 2:20-37  The Lord, the God of hosts, is pronouncing judgement on Judah. They have forsaken Him, the One who:
Freed them from slavery in Egypt
Planted them as a choice vine in Canaan
Treated them as one would a son or as a bride.
And calls them "My people". 

They have forsaken Him, lost the dread of Him, turned themselves from Him, turned their back to Him, and forgotten Him.  ( v19,21, 27, and 32)

Instead, they have:
acted as a harlot with idols
become  "degenerate shoots of a foreign vine"- a weed, kudzu !
become "stained with iniquity"
gone after the Baals
"loved strangers"
looked to a tree or a stone as their gods, as their father or mother.
contended with Him
Refused His discipline
killed the innocent
denied their sinfulness

The result will be "shame" when they are marched out of the land with their hands on their heads. (v37)

The Lord compares Judah's idolatry to a wife who has committed adultery.  They have polluted His land. They are harlots. Brazen and full of evil.

What must the Lord think of our land?  We may not have idols of wood or stone like Judah did, but nonetheless  there is a spirit of idolatry in the USA.
There is a stain of iniquity, the killing of innocent babies.
There is a worship of other "gods" - entertainment , media or sports - where it becomes more important to do anything else before going to church or spending time in God's word. Where thousands of dollars go into nothing and people are dying of starvation and abuse next door.

Jesus said it clearly. "But seek  first the His Kingdom and His righteousness.."   Honor His Name.  Indeed, He calls us to lay down our lives and take up the cross and follow Him.  That is the only way to find Life. The only way to restore the relationship with the One who is our Father, our Creator, and our King.  It begins every day as we choose to put Him first.  He is the most important Person in our lives.  And the beautiful thing is.. when we learn to do that.. He makes all things beautiful and flourishing, and alive! And that includes those relationships that are most precious to us - our marriages, our families, and our friendships in Christ.

Father in Heaven,  we hallow Your Name.  You are worthy of all our praise and worship and we will give it to no other.  "My heart will sing, no other name, JESUS! JESUS!"  You are Savior, King, Shepherd, and Lord.  Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven - completely, quickly, perfectly, and powerfully!  May Your Kingdom come and fill this land.  Thank You for daily bread, for forgiveness of sins, and for Your Spirit to guide us in ways of righteousness and grace. Be glorified in our lives and help us to make every decision... every decision, every day, that will honor You.  In the Name of our Heavenly Mediator, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

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