Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Jeremiah 2: 1-19  The word of the Lord given to Jeremiah to proclaim begins with a reminder of what Israel once had - a covenant with the One True God, in love and devotion, in faithfulness and holiness.  He was their provider and guide.  He was their shield and their shelter. There was no reason for the rebellion that came after.. " What injustice did your fathers find in Me... ?"  Why?

Why did they go far from Him?
Why did they choose emptiness and become empty?
Why did they not seek Him?
Why did they not remember Who had brought them out of Egypt?
Why did they forget Him, Who brought them into a fruitful land?
Why did they defile the land and make His dwelling place and "abomination"?

Why did the priests fail to seek Him and know Him?
Why did the rulers fail to obey His Law?
Why did the prophets betray Him by serving Baal and choosing "things that did not profit"?

Why did the nations of Israel and Judah exchange the glory of their One true God for idols?
"For that which does not profit." 

"They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water."

v14 "Is Israel a slave? Or is he a home born servant?"  The answer to this is "No".  Israel was not forced to serve other gods.  They willingly turned from the One True God and brought upon themselves their own destruction. " Have you not done this to yourself, by forsaking the Lord your God, when He led you in the way?"

The sins of Judah are not unique to them.  The same questions that God asked them then, He asks us now.
Why do we seek the things that do not profit? Those things that are vain and empty and hold no value?

Paul wrote in Romans1:21 "For even though they knew God they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened." 
Why do men continue to choose lies over the Truth?
Why do we fail to "see fit to acknowledge God any longer"?

"Be appalled, O heavens, at this, and shudder, be very desolate, declares the Lord." 

We have no one to blame. We all have a choice- To turn to that which is empty and vain and futile... or to the Lord, "the God of heaven above and the earth below.. and there is no other."
And we must make that choice every day!

Our world is obsessed with the futile and empty things..
The politicians are obsessed with their power and positions.
The newsmen are obsessed with their own opinions and viewpoints.
The entertainers are obsessed with their selves.
The athletes are obsessed with winning and boasting and money.
Many of our countrymen are willing to spend thousands of dollars and thousands of hours on things that are "cisterns that hold no water".  Sports, movies, tv, video games,  drinking, drugs.... emptiness that makes them empty. Vanity.  Futility.

Father in Heaven, "Where are You Lord?"  What the priests failed to ask, we humbly cry out... we do not want to live futile and empty lives running after the things that will perish or the things that will separate us from You.  We come to You, the "fountain of living water", and drink deeply !  We acknowledge You in all our ways and lean on Your understanding, not on our own.  We honor You as the One and Only True God. We choose You, Your Life, Your Way, and Your Truth.. Jesus Christ our Lord.  We give You glory and praise, with thanksgiving. Amen.

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