Friday, January 12, 2018

Luke 18-19   In chapter 18 Luke tells us about a rich man who asks Jesus what he should do to "inherit eternal life".   Jesus reminds the man about keeping the commandments, which he knows - and the man is confident that he has kept them perfectly.  When Jesus asks the man to give up his wealth, giving it to those who are poor, the man cannot follow through.  His wealth is a stumbling block to his eternal salvation.

In contrast, Zaccheus, a rich tax-gatherer, climbs a tree to see Jesus. ( 19:1-10)  When Jesus comes and calls him down, Zaccheus immediately receives Him, and declares that he will not only give half of his possessions to the poor, but he will also repay 4x as much to those he defrauded .

It is hard for "those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God,"  Jesus tells us.  But, it is not impossible... "with God".  

The disciples did not have great wealth, but they had sacrificed their "own homes" to follow Jesus. The Lord assures them that "there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who shall not receive many times as much at this time and in the age to come, eternal life." 

Luke records another parable here.  A nobleman went away to receive a kingdom for himself. Before he leaves he calls 10 of his slaves and gives them each a "mina" - about 100 days wages.  When he returns he calls them to give account of the business they have done for him.  The first had multiplied his mina by 10, the second by 5, and the third had kept it hidden and returned it with an excuse.  Those who did well with what they had been given, were greatly rewarded.  The one who did nothing was left empty-handed.  Jesus says this, " I tell you, that to everyone who has shall more be given, but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away." 

Everything we have comes from the Hand of our Father.  Everything!  Talents, health, family, money, jobs, food, clothing, homes, time... everything.  The Lord expects us to be faithful in serving Him with all that He has given us.  When He returns or calls us home, we will give an account to Him.  All we have given in faithful service to Him, will be returned many times over.  But, all that has been hoarded for ourselves will be taken away. 

Father in heaven,  You are our King and the Giver of Life!  We honor You and give You glory!  We want to please You in all we do. We are grateful that nothing is impossible with You and that You help us to know Your Word.. the Truth.. and then You help us to obey it!  Keep us walking in humility and faith, according to Your will.  We lay down our lives and give You back all that is Yours to follow Jesus and to bear fruit according to Your will.  Lord, may we be found faithful and fruitful when Your return or call us home.  We pray this in Jesus' Name, amen.

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