Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Matthew 3

Jesus continues to display His authority, even though He is being watched and criticized .  As He goes into the synagogue He meets a man with a withered hand.  The Pharisees are waiting to trap Jesus.. their hard hearts without any compassion for the man they are using as bait.  " Is it lawful to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to kill?"  Jesus asks.

Think about that question.  Sabbath or not... it is clear that Jesus chooses to do good and to save lives.  In spite of any law or tradition of man.  The fact that Jesus is angry about their hard heartedness shows how deeply He feels about their self-righteous and sinful behavior, their lack of compassion or love for each other.

But, the people get it.. crowds from all over flock to Him.  The word spreads far and near.  So many come that they need to have an escape route prepared so they won't be crushed by the multitude. Here is One who cares... Who acts.. and Who loves them.

Finally, Jesus withdraws to the mountain and calls for the twelve that He will appoint as His disciples. He gives them His authority and sends them out with His message.

As He comes back home, the crowds again surround Jesus and His disciples. Even His own family cannot get near.

Jesus is accused by the scribes from Jerusalem of being from satan because He casts out the demons. Jesus patiently explains that this is impossible and that they will be condemned for their blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, Who is the One Who does conquer the evil spirits.

Jesus also gives a gracious word to those who are following and believing in Him.. He calls them His "brother and sister and mother".   Doing the "will of God" is the way to come to Him.  It is not about biological relationships, but spiritual unity with God through Jesus Christ, for this is the will of God.

Father, all glorious , You are so gracious to us. The fact that You care about us in our brokenness and poverty and that Jesus came to do good and to save us... O what a Great and Good God You are!
Lord, we want to be like those who draw close to You, to even touch You, so that we might be healed and saved and blessed by Your Presence.  Thank You that now we have been given Your Spirit, to dwell in us and fill us so that we might do the will of God and be Your brother and sister and mother too!  What amazing grace! We give You all our praise and proclaim Your holy Name.  Amen.

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