Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mark 9 - The transfiguration is a wonderful but mysterious occurrence.. making me wonder why it even happened.  Was the purpose to expose the 3 disciples to the supernatural aspect of Jesus' life? Or was it for Moses and Elijah to prepare Jesus for the coming crucifixion?  It should have given Peter a better grasp of who Jesus is, so that he wouldn't be so afraid later.. but he seemed to forget all about it until later.

Coming down from the mountain, they are confronted by a situation that the disciples could not handle, a father seeking deliverance for his son who was suffering greatly from an evil spirit.   It seems as this spirit was very powerful, for the disciples had been given authority to cast spirits out, yet this one would not obey. At the command from Jesus, it had no choice, but it went reluctantly, shaking the boy until he was almost dead.  Imagine this boy's life after this deliverance!  To have never been able to talk.. to have been constantly thrown around in great convulsions... and now, freedom and healing!  How he must have been thankful!  I hope he followed Jesus the rest of his life!

Jesus returns to his home in Capernaum and once again teaches His disciples that He is going to die and be raised again .  He also confronts them about their discussion along the way... about which one of them was greatest.   I wonder who this child was.. that Jesus took into His arms and used to illustrate that the best thing that we can do is to receive others with love.. serving and not ruling...

Jesus goes on to talk to them about stumbling and causing others to stumble.. He warns us to think about the future - entering "life" or going into hell.  "Have salt in yourselves and be at peace with one another", Jesus tells them.  Another interesting thing to think about.  

Father in heaven,  open the eyes of our hearts, to truly receive and understand Your Word.  Help us to live according to Your perfect, holy, and acceptable will and give glory to You always.  Amen.

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