Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Mark 7  Verses 1-23 deal with a discussion brought about because of the Pharisees and scribes who criticized the disciples for eating without ceremonial washing of their hands.  Jesus uses this to reveal to them that their traditions mean nothing in comparison with the truth of God's word.  Their sin was neglecting "the commandment of God" and holding to "the tradition of men".  Jesus says they do "many things such as that"... including taking what people could use to support their parents and using it for themselves while claiming it belonged to God.

I wonder what traditions we have followed that "invalidate" the word of God?   Does our lifestyle as "religious"  people honor God's word or contradict it?  When we come to church... do we do it out of habit or out of hearts of worship?  Do we sing to Him, or do we sing to sound good?  Jesus goes on to talk about the heart... where things really matter!  If our hearts are far from Him,  it does no good to pretend on the outside... like the Pharisees did.  This is something that we need to examine for ourselves often.. judging our own hearts... and not the lives of others.

Verses 24-37 cover two interesting events.  First, the request of the Gentile woman for the healing of her daughter, and then the healing of the deaf man.

In the first instance, we learn that the woman had great faith, trusting Jesus even when it appeared He might not answer her request.  This woman's faith brought a blessing beyond compare - her daughter was delivered of an evil spirit.

The second healing is interesting in that Jesus heals the deaf man with outward actions as well as words - a change from His usual way of just speaking or laying a hand on someone.  Here, He puts His fingers in the mans ears and touches his tongue with His saliva. This seems strange and even awkward... yet there must have been a reason that Jesus did this.  I would like to understand this more.

Father, help us to hear Your voice through Your word.  Thank You for the grace of Jesus Christ... given to a poor Gentile woman and her daughter.. and to a man who was in desperate need to hear and speak.  We need You, our Lord.. to be deliver us from evil,  to heal our diseases, and to lead us in Your righteous paths.  We need spiritual wisdom and understand, that we might walk in the way that pleases You, and bears fruit through every good work.  May grow in the knowledge of Your Word and know You more and more.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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