Monday, July 17, 2017

Mark 6  There is so much packed into every chapter of Mark that it is hard to meditate on it all at one time....

Verses 1-6 tell about Jesus going to His hometown with His disciples.  These people knew Him as the carpenter.  They knew His mother and brothers and sisters.  They were "offended"  by Him, for He was now well known as a Rabbi and Healer even though He had not taken the usual route of being educated by their teachers.  Because of their unwillingness to believe in Him, Jesus "could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands upon a few sick people and healed them."   The unbelief of these people shut down the ministry that Jesus would have willingly done among them.

Is this why we do not see many miracles or healing in our country today?  Is there so much unbelief that Jesus can not do miracles among us?  Perhaps the few that were healed by Jesus in His hometown were those who had a bit of faith... a mustard seed -sized faith is enough... Jesus said later.
If those of us who do have faith continue to live by faith and proclaim the Lord's power at work in us, perhaps others would be more willing to believe too. We certainly need miracles in our world today!

Verses 7-13 tell about Jesus sending out His disciples on their own to preach and to heal those who were sick or demon possessed.
Verses 14-32 tell about the death of John the Baptist.
Verses 33-44 tell of the feeding of the five thousand.
Verses 45-52 tell of Jesus walking on the water, coming to the boat in the middle of the night.
Veres 53-56 tell of Him coming to Gennesaret and healing every one brought to Him.

Again, Mark is reminding us of the fact that Jesus had and has all authority in Heaven and on the earth.  Authority to heal, to deliver, to provide, and to even walk on the water.  There is nothing that He cannot do!  But, where there is no faith... He will not work.

Father, thank You for the life and light that comes in the Word as You reveal Your greatness to us in the works and words of Jesus.   Teach me today to know You more and to know Jesus more.  Help me not to be offended as the people in Nazareth were.. but to believe and to trust Jesus fully.   Do miracles in our lives that we might  proclaim Your greatness and power and authority.  In the Name and Power of Jesus Christ Amen!

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