Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Mark 10  Jesus told the disciples.. and us.. to " have salt"  in ourselves. The Bible Knowledge Commentary suggests that this is the "ingredient" that distinguishes believers from non-believers; a loyalty or commitment to Christ that purges out all that is contrary to His will.  This chapter gives us illustrations of several ways that following Jesus contrasts with man's thinking.

Verses 1-12  Here Jesus reveals that God's plan and choice for marriage is much greater than man's.  Men wanted to be married and divorced as they chose.  But, Jesus said that their "hardness of heart" caused them to feel this way.  In reality, God made marriage to be the permanent joining of a man and a woman.. a miraculous and marvelous act of God.

Verses 13-16  Here Jesus teaches that the attitude towards children should be compassionate and generous.. receiving them and blessing them; not rebuking and sending them away.   Jesus expressed His deep love for children throughout His life and ministry by constantly reminding His disciples that "the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."  He healed them, He delivered them, He held them, and He blessed them.  And, He was indignant with those who harmed them.

Verses 17-31 Jesus is approached by a wealthy young man who wanted to be saved.  But, this man found it impossible to give up his riches.  Jesus makes an extraordinary statement, " How hard it will be for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God."   He goes on to explain that the rich have a harder time entering the kingdom than the poor.  This was a totally new way of thinking for His disciples and followers.  How can anyone be saved then, they asked.  Only with God!  Rich, poor, great, or weak... religious or not.. only by the grace of our God Who can do the impossible.. can anyone be saved.

Verses 32 - 45  As Jesus once again attempts to explain to His disciples what is about to happen to Him,  John and James ask for the privilege of sitting at His side in glory.   They wanted to share in His greatness, but Jesus calls for them, and all His followers to seek to be servants instead.   Again, this was such a contrary way of thinking for them, they could never seem to grasp this truth.  Who knows how many times Jesus repeated this same truth?  Probably even more than what has been recorded!

Verses 46-52  Here, Jesus heals Bartimaeus. By faith Bartimaeus would not stop crying out to Jesus even when the crowd tried to hush him up.

Could we say that to "have salt" means that we:
View marriage as God, the Creator made it to be?
View children in the way that Jesus did when He held them on His lap?
View wealth as a hindrance to following Christ and not as a way to be saved?
View ourselves as servants, or slaves, not leaders or rulers?
Keep crying out to Jesus even when others try to stop us?

Father, we also cry out to Jesus .... to save us, sanctify us, heal us, deliver us, and to come reign over us! Open our blind eyes to see the King of glory.  Fill our hearts with faith and truth and life.  May we exalt You with all our hearts and minds and voices.  Thank You for showing us grace and mercy.  Let us have salt that does not lose its flavor.. loyal to our Lord and Master always.  For it is in His name we pray. Amen.

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