Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Mark 2  There are three specific events here that establish or illustrate the authority of Jesus.

Verses 1-13 tell the story of the paralytic man who was let down through the roof by his friends.  Jesus establishes His authority to forgive sins on earth in this situation.  He could have simply healed the man, as He had done with so many before, but He doesn't.   He purposely says what He knows full well will be confrontational... " My son, your sins are forgiven."   Jesus does know that this is the man's greatest need.  He also knows that He will be questioned and even condemned for these words. But, it is necessary, vital really,  that His authority to forgive sins to be established.

Verses 14-22 tell the story of Jesus at Matthew's house, dining with "tax-gatherers and sinners".   Here Jesus shows His authority over the traditions of the religious leaders.  He has come to heal the sick and to save the sinners - this was His purpose and priority.  They were focused on avoiding the needy and showing off their self-righteous ways by fasting, etc.   Their priorities were focused inward on theirselves.  His were on those who needed a Savior!

Verses 23-28 - Here Jesus reveals His authority as "Lord.. of the Sabbath".   They questioned the disciples choice to pick and eat grain as they walked through a field.  Jesus teaches that the Sabbath was a gift, not a time for judging others. Even the Sabbath is His to rule!

As Christ's witnesses we are to proclaim His superiority and His eternal authority, as well as His power, grace, and truth.  He alone can forgive our sins, cut through vain religious practices and false teaching.  So, we give thanks for the One who has all authority in heaven above and earth below!

Praise to our God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who gives us life and grace and shows compassion upon all who call on Him.  Father , be ever honored and glorified by our words, actions, and lives.  Keep us walking with You today and every day.  I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

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