Thursday, July 13, 2017

Mark 4 Mark records a series of parables that Jesus taught.

Verses 11 -12  Jesus says, "To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God; but those who are outside get everything in parables; in order that :'While seeing they may see and not perceive; and while hearing, they may hear and not understand lest they return and be forgiven. ' "  This statement is really difficult for me, for why would God not want them to understand and turn and be saved?   One commentary suggests that Jesus is being merciful - for if they DID understand and still reject Him, their judgement would be worse than if they didn't understand.  Another commentary suggests that their rejection of Jesus was already known to Him, so He did not give them the gift of understanding .  This is a quotation of Isaiah who was sent by God, but told that they ( Israel) would hear without understanding too.  Holy Spirit, teach me what this means!

The parable of the sower reveals this truth :
some hear and don't even catch any of the Word - Satan snatches it away immediately.
some hear and receive it temporarily- but then there is no depth, so it doesn't last;
some hear and receive it, but allow worldly worries and temptations to destroy it;
some hear and receive it, and allow it to grow to maturity - reproducing its fruit;

I've heard people speak about this, indicating that all of us have these kinds of soil in us - we have hard soil that doesn't even catch the Word;   then we may receive some of it but go no deeper; we may try again, but let go in order to manage the cares of this world; but then eventually we realize the great worth of the Word and allow it to penetrate our lives and produce fruit in us.
I've also heard it explained that some people never receive it, for their hearts are forever hardened, or rocky, or thorny.

My prayer is always that the hard heart can be changed.  I have too many loved ones who have yet to receive the Word.  I have hope in the Lord that even those who have refused Him so long - will one day be changed by His great grace.

Father, give them ears to hear and understand, that they may return to You and be forgiven all their sins.  You alone can save, O Lord, for You are Yahweh, the self-existing One who reveals Himself!  Reveal Yourself to us once again Father, that we may all bow before You in repentance and worship.
I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

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