Friday, July 28, 2017

Mark 11-12

As Jesus enters Jerusalem on the back of a donkey He is honored and received by the people.  Yet the Pharisees, scribes and priests only want to question Him and scheme against Him, to destroy Him.   Several times Mark mentions that they were afraid of the multitudes ( 11:18; 11:32; 12:12)   The people wanted to hear Jesus.   They were amazed by the Truth that Jesus spoke... in such contrast to the priests and scribes who had lost their way, making their own traditions more important than God's Word.

These last few days of His ministry were packed with important lessons for Jesus' followers.

In 11:15-17  Jesus taught them that the real purpose of the Temple was prayer and worship - not commerce and business.

In 11:22-26  Jesus taught that faith and forgiveness are vital in a real relationship with God the Father.

In 12:1-11 Jesus taught that those who had tried to take the Kingdom for themselves - would lose it all;  and the Kingdom would be given to others.

In 12: 13-17  Jesus taught that we should give to God all that belongs to Him - which is everything!

In 12:18-28  Jesus taught that God is the God of the living, those on earth and those in heaven.  He made it clear that those questioning Him did not understand the Word of God, that their thoughts were mistaken, and that they needed to repent of their errors.

In 12:28-34  Jesus taught that loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving your neighbor  - are the most important things you can do. 

In 12:35-37  Jesus taught that David's son would also be David's Lord...

In 12: 41-44 Jesus taught that giving from your surplus is not as great as giving out of your poverty. 

Father, let Your Name be honored and lifted up and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  May Your Kingdom come in all its fulness.   May many more come to seek You and find You today, entering Your Kingdom in the Name of Jesus.  Father, fill us with wisdom and understanding of Your Word that we may not err... that we may walk in all of Your ways, and that we may have faith and love, grace and hope in You always.  amen

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