Friday, July 14, 2017

Mark 4:35-5:43

Mark records 4 significant events that prove Christ's authority:

1.  He reveals His authority over nature as He stills the sea and the wind.
2. He reveals His authority over every other spirit as He allows the legion of evil spirits to leave the man and enter the pigs.
3. He reveals His authority over every disease as He heals the woman with the issue of blood.
4. He reveals His authority over life and death as He raises the 12 year old girl from the dead.

Jesus questions the disciples about their lack of faith (v40) when they panic in the storm.  The wind and waves still obey His command.  How is our faith in the midst of terrifying circumstances?

Jesus is recognized by the powerful evil spirits in the Gerasene man.  They are so strong that they caused the man to break every chain and shackle that ever was used on him. They caused 2000 pigs to rush down the shore and into the sea.  Yet they quivered with fear in the presence of the Lord.  The people who came out to see what happened were so afraid that they begged Jesus to leave their country.  The power of Jesus Christ is above all other powers!

Jarius, a synagogue official, went against the establishment to ask Jesus to heal his daughter.  Even when the news came that she had died, Jarius trusted the power and authority of Jesus.  When He took her hand and raised her up, they were astounded.  Now, they KNEW the authority that He has.

The woman with the terrible condition, who had hemorrhaged for 12 years, who had tried every other solution, but found no help... found that Jesus had the power to meet her need.  Not only was she healed but He blessed her also.

I wonder what happened to Jarius, the man from Gerasene and the woman healed by touching His robe?  Where were they when Jesus was led to the cross?  Where were the shepherds that had seen Him in Bethlehem?  Where were the multitudes that had been healed?

We know that Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth .. yet do we act with faith as these individuals did?  Do we come to Him in our times of need?  Do we reach out and touch His garment?

Father, teach us to act in faith and not fear.  May we not be timid to trust You in storms and disease and even death.  May we rest in the peace of Your presence and grace.  Increase our faith and help us to know Your power and authority... for we ask it in the Name of our Mighty Savior, Jesus Christ. amen.

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