Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Zechariah 9-11 This "burden" or oracle from the Lord is "against the land of Hadrach, with Damascus as its resting place."  These city-states were located north of Israel in the country of Syria. "Hamath" was originally a separate city - state north of Damascus, but became merged with Damascus after both were conquered by Assyria. Also mentioned in this passage are:
Tyre and Sidon, which were city-states in the land of the Phoenicians, northwest of Israel ; and
Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, and Ashdod which were all located in the land of the Philistines, southwest of Israel.
All of these places were judged because of their idolatry and sin.  They were all conquered by Alexander the Great.

This word from Zechariah also contains prophecy of the coming Messiah.  Here, we find that He will come in peace, riding on a donkey.  Here we also find prophecy of His second coming, when He will rule the whole world, from sea to sea.  Zechariah was told to portray the good Shepherd and then to portray the foolish shepherd.  Israel would reject the Good Shepherd.  They would be devoured by the foolish one.

Throughout this oracle there are words that encourage and give hope, interwoven with facts that are otherwise devastating.  God is just and His wrath against sin and rebellion will be meted out.  But, He is also full of compassion and He will be with His people and has not given up on them.

Father in heaven, help us to understand Your Word.  Times and nations are in Your Hands.  We have seen Your Word fulfilled and look toward the final fulfillment of Your promises when the Messiah, Jesus returns to rule over all the earth.  Thank You for the hope we have in Jesus.  May our eyes be open and may we be ready for the day of His return.  Be glorified in all the earth!  May I walk in righteousness and truth,  in all the ways that please You today, I ask in Jesus Name, Amen.

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