Friday, February 5, 2016

I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11   Paul addresses the subject of Christ's return here, making these points:

v 14 - Jesus died and rose again , this is Truth, likewise, those who have "fallen asleep" in Him will be with Him; they will "precede" those who are still living at Christ's coming ( v15);  and "the dead in Christ shall rise first" (v16).   This truth is meant to give us hope, comfort, and encouragement.

V 16 " For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God.."

V15-17  Those who are alive at His coming will "be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.."   

We are to be ready for that day, for it will come unannounced, like when a thief comes in the night.
How can we be ready?
By staying in the Light. 
We are not in darkness - v4
We are not of night nor of darkness - v5
We must not sleep like those who are in darkness.
We must not be drunk like those who are in darkness and night.
We must stay alert and sober. 
We must be properly dressed - in faith, love, and hope. 
For we are destined for salvation not wrath, in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Sometimes I find myself staring at the clouds and thinking about what it will look like when they are rolled back like a scroll...In the quiet of this moment, I listen for the shout, the voice, and the trumpet - sounding the joyful return of our Savior.  One day, He IS coming and it will be a glorious day!

Father in Heaven,  You alone know the day of Christ's return, when the dead in Him will be raised, when the living believers will be caught up in the clouds, meeting Jesus in the air.  O how we long for that day! We live in a world where the darkness seems to be growing stronger, yet we do not fear for Jesus is the Light of the world and He has overcome all darkness!  May we be ready, Lord God, standing firm in faith, abounding in love, and abundant in hope.  Praise and thanksgiving I offer to You, my God and Father.  Amen.

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