Wednesday, February 3, 2016

I Thess. 3

Paul professed his love for the people in Thessalonica in Chapter 2.    His love for them was like a mother, who is gentle and tenderly cares for her own children and  like a father, who exhorts, encourages, and implores his own children to walk worthily.  He had a "fond affection" for them, not only giving them the gospel, but "our own lives" as well. He called them his "glory and joy".

Here in Chapter 3 Paul tells them how much he longed to see them again.  He was concerned for them because of the afflictions he knew they were experiencing.  His deepest concern was that their faith would falter.  So, he sent Timothy to them, to encourage and strengthen them, as to their faith.
Paul rejoiced when Timothy returned with the good news that their faith and love continued. ".. for now we really live, if you stand firm in the Lord." 

We feel this way too, especially for our family members and close friends... This is my daily prayer for my children and grandchildren - that they would "stand firm in the Lord".   Paul's prayer in verses 11-13 is another good model for us:

"Now may our God and Father Himself
and Jesus our Lord direct our way to you. 
and may the Lord cause you to increase and 
abound in love for one another, and 
for all men, just as we do for you;
so that He may establish your hearts
unblamable in holiness before our God and Father
at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints."

Father, Holy One of Heaven, direct our lives according to Your perfect wisdom and love.  Cause us to increase in our love for one another. Establish us in perfect holiness before You.  Prepare us for the day of our Lord's return .  Mighty God, fill us with Your Spirit and with faith, that we also may stand firm in You.  We ask this in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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