Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Zechariah 1:1-6  This is the first message that Zechariah gives the people in Jerusalem.   It comes 2 months after Haggai's 1st prophecy urging the Israelites to consider their ways and to rebuild the temple.  Here Zechariah says, " Thus says the Lord of hosts, 'Return to Me,' declares the Lord of hosts, 'that I may return to you,' says the Lord of hosts."  (v3)  

The Lord of hosts -  Jehovah, the I AM, the self-existent and sovereign God - of hosts.. of armies, of the masses, of the assemble, of those mustered and prepared for battle! 3 times in this one statement, Zechariah uses this title.  He uses it two more times:
Verse 4 - The Lord of hosts had spoken to their fathers through the prophets in the past, telling them to "Return now from your evil ways and from your evil deeds,"  and they had not listened.
Verse 6 - "As the Lord of hosts purposed to do to us in accordance with our ways and our deeds, so He has dealt with us."

What the Lord of hosts said He would do.. He did.  The testimony of their fathers confirms this.  They failed to obey the Lord and ended up in exile, in captivity, because of it. If they don't want to end up in the same situation, they needed to hear and obey the Word of the Lord.

We know from Ezra's writing that they heeded the words from Haggai and Zechariah and began again to rebuild the temple.  We also know that God directed Darius's heart in the matter and not only was permission granted, but money was supplied for the work.

Has God changed?  Isn't He still the LORD of hosts?  Has His message changed?  "Return to Me... THAT I may return to you."  Return from evil ways and deeds. Evil - the Hebrew word is "ra" - bad, adverse, affliction, calamity, displease, distress, grief, harm, heavy, hurt, mischief, misery, naught, noisome, sad, sore, sorrow, trouble, wicked, wretchedness, wrong...   Evil ways - the road we travel, the mode of action, our conversations, our customs,  our  journey through life, our manner and our path.

Isaiah had preached for Israel to "Wash yourselves, make yourself clean; remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless; defend the orphan, plead for the widow."   The Lord called them as "sinful nation... weighed down with iniquity" ( Isaiah 1:4) .  They acted corruptly.  They abandoned the Lord.  They were rebellious.. harlots, murderers, thieves, loving bribes,  failing to help those in need.  It sounds like our world today.

Jeremiah had preached to them also. "If you will return... put way your detested things from My presence..."  Then, live in "truth, in justice and in righteousness..."  Have a changed heart.  But they refused.   " Your ways and your deeds have bought these things to you. This is your evil. How bitter! How it has touched your heart!" ( Jeremiah 4:18)

Father in heaven, You are the Lord of hosts, still calling for Your people to return to You, to turn from evil, from calling their own ways right and Your's wrong.  We live in a world where sin and rebellion are everywhere.  We see here in this country a surge of wickedness and unbelief, flooding our nation.
Oh Mighty God, save us!  Open our ears to hear the Truth.  Change hearts that have become hardened and full of evil.  May there be a return of people to Your Word and to repentance, to justice and righteousness. You are our only Hope, Lord of hosts!  May Your kingdom come and Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  In the wonderful Name, Jesus, we pray. amen.

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