Wednesday, February 10, 2016

II Thess. 2 -3

 Paul taught the believers about the return of the Lord Jesus,  yet they were misled by some who  claimed that the Lord had already come back.  So, Paul tells them again of the signs that will precede His return:  first, apostasy- departing or falling away from the Truth;  then the "man of lawlessness" or "son of destruction" will be revealed.

There will be increased lawlessness - wickedness.
There will be one who will exalt himself above any god.
There will be one who will be linked with Satan, having "power and signs and false wonders".
There will be many who will be deceived.

Only those who have received the "love of truth" will be saved.   All others will be deluded. God will allow that because they choose wickedness over truth.

Paul's prayers: " Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word." ( 2:16-17)  And "..May the Lord direct your heart into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ." ( 3:5)

Paul speaks again about those who are undisciplined or unruly.  We are to stay separated from them, we are to gently admonish them, and we are to be examples for them - quietly working to provide for our own needs and doing good without growing weary.

Father in heaven and our Lord Jesus, thank You for saving us by Your great love and wonderful truth. Thank you for eternal comfort and hope.  Strengthen us for for the days ahead.  Grant us clear thinking and steadfastness in Christ our Lord. May we be prepared for the day of Your coming, abiding in the truth and walking in a manner worthy of Your calling.  I ask this in Your name and authority Lord, amen.

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