Thursday, February 11, 2016

Ezra 1-6  Ezra writes a history of the rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem beginning at the decree of Cyrus, king of Persia.  The return of exiles began with 42,360  people.  They came to Jerusalem and set up the altar and began offering sacrifices.  They began to lay the foundation of the temple building, but were stopped by their enemies who appealed to Xerxes.  However, after a period of time, the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, began prophesying and encouraged the Jewish leaders to once again begin building the temple.  And they did.  Again a letter was sent to the king of Persia.. but now Darius was king.  Darius not only gave the Jews permission to begin building but told the Gentile governor to leave them alone and to give them all the money and supplies they needed!

The Lord used Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes in the rebuilding of His temple in Jerusalem.  With great joy the people of God celebrated the Passover that year.

Chapters 7-10  Here Ezra tells of his own travel to Jerusalem and how the hand of God was with him throughout.  Ezra's testimony is summarized in 7:10 " For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord, and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel."   God gave Ezra a courageous spirit as he led the exiles back to Israel.  Then, as everything was going so well, there came a major set back.  Some of the leaders came to Ezra and told him that many of the Israelites had intermarried with the people of the land.  This was so devastating to Ezra that he immediately tore his clothing and fell on his face before the Lord.

As Ezra fasted and prayed before the Lord, the heart of the Israelites began to break also.  They came and confessed their sins.  They made a covenant to put away their godless wives and children.  They encouraged Ezra to act as he should and so he did.

A long list of men is given at the end of chapter 10.  Men who had disobeyed God's word, but who repented and put away their foreign wives and children.  Such sadness and yet obedient sacrifice..

Father in heaven,  set our hearts, like You did Ezra's, to obey Your Word and to be courageous to act in accordance to it.  May we know Your Word and practice it faithfully.  May we be teachers of Your Word and take responsibility for it.  Father, we thank You for the Truth that You have revealed. Thank You for forgiveness and restoration.  We praise You for the grace that You have given to us, that You have not "requited" as our sins deserved.  Enlighten our eyes Lord, and give us also a "little reviving". Thank You for extending lovingkindness to us and for never forsaking us, even as You did for the house of Israel.  May our lives reflect Your glory to the nations.. to our own ungodly nation, we pray. Amen.

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