Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Zechariah 1:7-6:15  This is Zechariah's 2nd recorded prophesy, a vision.

Verses 1-17 The first thing that Zechariah sees is a man on a red horse, with other horses behind him. An angel speaks to him and explains what is happening.  The Lord had sent out this group to "patrol the earth".  They reported that all was well.  But, then the angel addresses the Lord and asks about Jerusalem and Judah.  The Lord's response is wonderful to Zechariah.  The Lord declares His jealousy for Jerusalem and Zion.  He will return there and His house will be rebuilt.  Prosperity and comfort will be restored.

Verses 18-21  Next, Zechariah sees 4 horns.  The angel explains that these are the ones who have scattered His people. But, now He is providing 4 "craftsmen" who have come to "throw down the horns of the nations who have lifted up their horns agains the land.."  This would also be an encouragement to Zechariah and those he spoke to - the enemies that had risen in power against them, would be overcome by the Lord's chosen men.

Chapter 2 - The vision again changes, this time Zechariah sees an angel with a measuring line.  He explains that he will be measuring Jerusalem.  Jerusalem would be inhabited by a multitude of people. There would be no walls, but God Himself would provide a "wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst."  The Lord calls for the people to return from the north.  He will be their protector.  He will dwell with them.  They will know Him and He will possess them.  God is on the move and acting on behalf of His people.  Twice, this phrase is used, " Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me." Verse 9 and verse11.   This seems to speak of Jesus, once speaking to the Jews and the second time to the nations which join themselves to Him.

In verse 8 the Lord says this, " ... for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye."  The apple of God's eye - such a beautiful expression!  When you are so close to Him that your reflection is seen in His pupils. What intimacy the Lord allows for those that He calls His own.  He wants us that close.

Father in heaven, You are all-powerful and all-knowing.   You have called for us to return to You and walk with You.   You have given us a place of refuge in Your midst.  You are at the same time, surrounding us and filling us!  You are amazing God.  We will sing for joy and be glad, along with Zion, when we come to that City with no walls, where there is no darkness, and no more tears.  Come Lord Jesus, come and take us to dwell with You forever.  Amen.

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