Monday, February 1, 2016

I Thessalonians 1

Paul's greeting in this letter to the Thessalonians is positive and encouraging. He commends them for their:
"work of faith"
"labor of love" and
"steadfastness of hope"

He calls them "brethren beloved by God", chosen by God..
He speaks of how they received the gospel "in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction". 
They were like Paul, receiving "the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit". 

The church in Thessalonica had become an example to others.  Their faith in God was reported everywhere. They had "turned from idols to serve a living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come." 

How does my church compare with the church in Thessalonica, as we look at this passage?

What works of faith are being done?
What labors of love?
What steadfast hope?
Do we act like those "beloved by God"?
Have we received the gospel with power, the Holy Spirit , and full conviction?
Do we serve a the living and true God?
Are we waiting for Jesus?

Do we have a reputation as a church where faith in God is found?

We can look at this individually also..
Am I doing works of faith? labors of love?
Do I have steadfast hope?
Have I received the gospel with power, the Holy Spirit, and full conviction?
Am I serving the living and true God?
Am I eagerly awaiting the Lord Jesus?
Do I have a reputation of one who has put my faith in God?

Father in heaven,  I am Yours.  I fall far short of Your high calling, my Lord.  Come and fill me Holy Spirit, complete in me all that You desire.  Sanctify me completely, Lord.  That I might be known as Your beloved child, one who serves You with a whole heart.. who loves You with all my heart and soul and spirit and strength. I ask this in Your Name, Jesus, amen.

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