Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Deuteronomy 18   Three topics are covered in this chapter.  First, a reminder of the fact that the Levites will not receive a portion of land as their inheritance, for they are set apart for the Lord.
 " The Lord is their inheritance."  Second, a stern warning about participating in anything
"detestable"  - any sort of spiritism - divination, sorcery, witchcraft, etc. Then, thirdly - the role of prophet.

Back at the beginning of the exodus, when the people stood at the mountain and heard God's voice and saw the fire and lightning,  they were so terrified that they said, " Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, let me not see the great fire anymore, lest I die."  So, the Lord only spoke to Moses and then he would pass on the Lord's Words.  Moses, then was the first prophet.  God promises here to raise up another, " I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. "   This is a clear definition of what a prophet is supposed to be.

Yet, God makes it clear that there will be some who pretend to hear from Him and will speak "presumptuously", saying things that He has not told him to say.  The test is always - does it come true?

Father, give us ears to hear and hearts to receive only the True Words that come from You.  May we seek Your direction and guidance, spoken by the Word and taught by Your Spirit,  for these are the Words of life.  Truth is found in You alone. Come and fill us once again , Holy Spirit, that we might walk in obedience and trust in the Lord our God.  Amen

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