Monday, March 16, 2015

Deuteronomy 17  Obedience to God's commands... to His Word... must be complete.  Verse 11, " According to the terms of the law which they teach you, and according to the verdict which they tell you, you shall do; you shall not turn aside from the word which they declare to you, to the right or the left."  And, again in verses 19-20 " And it ( the Word)  shall be with him ( the king) , and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, by carefully observing all the words of this law and these statutes, that his heart may not be lifted up above his countrymen and that he may not turn aside from the commandment, to the right or the left;  in order that he and his sons may continue long in his kingdom..." 

These first words are spoken in the context of justice - determining the guilt of an evil doer or determine a lawsuit, etc. The second context is that of government - when Israel asks for a king - then that king must be of God's choosing and follow God's Word.   He must not put his faith in an army,  or in his personal prowess, or in wealth.  He must put his faith in the Lord his God and to do so, he must have the Word of God in his mind and heart.

Complete obedience goes hand in hand with complete trust.  Abraham is a prime example of this kind of faith and obedience as he took his precious son to the mountain in order to fulfill God's command.  As David Jeremiah writes, " Abraham laid all these things on that altar. He laid down his questions and confusion, and his emotions.  He laid down his faith and his obedience.  It was a test of priorities, to reveal what finally stood, what Abraham would cling to when all else was stripped violently away."    Abraham would not turn to the right or the left... would we?  Here is the question, " How would you pass such a test?  Would you worship in complete obedience if all else in the world were removed - if your every worldly possession, every beloved relationship, every fond hope and dream were lost to you? What would God ask you to place on the altar of testing in your life?"

Father, Almighty God and King,  we bow before You and acknowledge that You alone are worthy of our worship.  We acknowledge that worship cannot happen without faith and complete obedience.  We must lay down everything before You.  You know how weak and fearful we are.  Help us to place all our trust in You.  To not turn to the left or right.. in any area of our lives; but to follow You and to obey Your Word.  Help us, we pray, in the Name of Jesus, the Righteous One. Amen.

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