Tuesday, March 10, 2015

From David Jeremiah's book - " Could it be that if we finally placed all that we have, all that we aspire, all that we are before God on the altar of worship, that He would return it to us filled with His light and transformed by His glory?"

Deuteronomy 14

Because Israel was set apart as a "holy people to the Lord" their God, their lives were to exhibit holiness - everything they did and everything they ate- was meant to bring glory to God and reveal His Presence.

So they were told not to follow the customs of other nations.  They were given specific instructions on what was clean and unclean for them.  And, they were given many opportunities to show that they feared God, worshiped God, and were thankful to God.

It was in the act of worship, of bringing their tithes before the Lord, that they would find joy!
Verse 23 " And you shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God, at the place where He chooses to establish His name, the tithe of your grain, your new wine, your oil, and the first -born of your herd and your flock, in order that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always."

 Reverent fear of the Lord is learned in the giving of tithes....
Knowing that it is the Lord Who has blessed you.. ( v24)
That it is in the obedient giving of the tithe where real joy is found.  - " .. there you shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household." ( v26)
There is a direct connection between fear of the Lord, obedient giving of our tithes, and joy!

Israel was to live this way- in holiness and obedience - and when they did, they would be blessed. Their families would be blessed and even more.. their communities would be blessed.  Verses 28-29  give instructions for the people to leave their tithes in their hometowns ( instead of taking it to Jerusalem) every third year - to provide for the Levites, the alien, the widow, and the orphan in their own backyard.

Father in heaven,  teach us Your truths, that we might live holy, obedient, and blessed lives.  Lives that reflect Your glory and bring You praise.  May we worship You with all of our hearts, souls, bodies, and minds.  Truly worship and rejoice in Your Presence. That we may be transformed and renewed and live a life worthy of You.  Help us today.  Fill us Holy Spirit, keep us filled with Yourself, we ask in the worthy Name of Jesus. Amen.

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