Thursday, March 26, 2015

Deuteronomy 27 Several things were supposed to happen when Israel crossed over into their new homeland.  First, they were to set up a stone monument with the words of the Law written on them.  Then, they were to build an altar and offer burnt and peace offerings and "rejoice before the Lord".
After that they were to divide into 2 groups.  Half went of Mount Gerizim and the other half on Mount Ebal.  One group would speak out the curses and the other the blessings.   Chapter 27 deals with the curses that God would pronounce for evil behavior:
Making idols.
Dishonoring parents.
Stealing from a neighbor.
Misleading a blind person
Distorting justice.
Immoral sexual behavior.
Murder or violence .
Accepting a bribe.
Failure to keep the law.

Chapter 28: 15-68 spells out the curses.  To name a few :
"Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country."
Your basket and bowl will be cursed.
Your children will be cursed
Your flocks and herds will be cursed.
Confusion, pestilence, war, drought, enemies, terror, madness, blindness and " bewilderment of heart..."

And the list goes on.....

Father in Heaven, the nations of this world have not kept Your Law.  You have rightly sent  curses on our land for we have failed to honor and fear You.  Revive us again.  Forgive us and save us we pray.

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