Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Deuteronomy 19  The Lord required Israel to set up cities "of refuge".   These were towns placed around the nation where someone could go to if he accidentally killed someone - in an  accident of some kind.   Here is what strikes me, verse 10 " so innocent blood will not be shed in the midst of your land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance, and blood guiltiness be on you. "

When innocent blood is shed, God is not honored.  Also, the Law of God requires that the blood of the innocent be " purged"  ( verse13).... " that it may go well with you."

God's righteousness requires perfect justice.  He blesses the nation where that is the goal.  But, in a nation where the innocent die and the guilty go free - things will not go well!  Our nation cares more for its system of laws than it does for true justice.  We have declared abortion "legal", but it is the shedding of innocent blood - detestable in God's eyes.  We allow murderers to go free on technicalities and punish the innocent based on our false values.  No wonder things do not go well for  us!   Israel is not doing such a good job of this either, in fact, there are no nations that have figured this out in all of history.

But, there is coming a day... and a Kingdom.. where perfect righteousness will reign and perfect justice will be done.  And on that day, the tears will be wiped away.. the innocent will proclaim His greatness.. and the evil will be no more!

Father, let Your kingdom come and Your will be done!  For You alone are perfect and righteous.
We look to You for mercy and grace to help us live like You have commanded.  Forgive us our sins, our failures at justice, our shedding of innocent blood.  Lead us away from temptations and deliver us from evil.  For You are our King and we want to worship and honor You with all of our hearts.

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