Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Deuteronomy 31-34 Moses gives 3 more teachings to Israel before his death.  First, he gives counsel. Second, he gives a song and thirdly he gives a blessing.
Chapter 31 gives the counsel.   It is summed up in verse 6 " Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble for them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you.  He will not fail you or forsake you. "  Moses reminds the people that it is the Lord Who goes ahead of them.  It is the Lord who is going to give them the land.  The Lord commissions Joshua to take the leadership over from Moses.

Before Moses dies, the Lord tells him that Israel will turn away from Him.  They will turn to idols and they will be evil.  That must have made Moses so sad after all they had been through.  The Lord gives Mose a song and tells him to teach it to the people before he dies.  Chapter 32 records the song.

"... Ascribe greatness to our God!  The Rock! His work is perfect, for all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He. "  vs 3-4  comes from this song .
The song glorifies the Lord and warns the people.  It reminds Israel of who they are - they are His people , His portion, His children, and His servants.   It reminds them of Who He is to them - their Rock, their hiding place, their provider, their Maker, and their Judge.   

The Word of the Lord is ..." not an idle word for you; it is your life... " v47.   How true this is! These are the Wonderful words of life.

Finally, Moses gives a blessing to each of the tribes and goes up into the mountain where the Lord shows him the land and then he dies.  We are told that the Lord Himself buries Moses and that no one knows where his grave is located.   The writer of this last part, perhaps Joshua?, writes " Since then no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. " 

Our Father , the Lord our God,  You are our Rock!  You are great and perfect and just.  You know us each face to face, although we have dim eyes.  Thank You for being our redeemer and restorer.  Help us to do what Your Word commands.  Help us to cling to You and to know and obey Your Word.   Help us to never turn away or rebel, but to stay in the circle of Your arms and rest on Your wings.   For You alone are worthy of our worship and obedience.  We ask this in the Name of Your precious Son, Jesus. Amen.

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