Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Deuteronomy 22-23  The list of laws and precepts is long and detailed.  We (I )become overwhelmed with them... but we can be encouraged when we remember that Jesus summed them up with just 2:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. 
And love your neighbor as yourself.  

Every law fits in one of these 2 categories.

22: 1-4  Don't neglect helping out your neighbor, even if you don't know him.  If you find something that belongs to him, take it back to him.  If you don't know who it belongs to, hold on to it and take care of it until someone comes looking - then give it back.  If you see their animal in trouble - help.

v 5 - 12  Be careful in what you do - honor the Lord in :
how you dress
how you build your home
how you sow your field
how you work
how you carry yourself

Verses 13-30
Understand what is right and moral and do it.  Don't do what is immoral and wrong in the eyes of the Lord:
 A deep respect for women is conveyed here - don't make false accusations just because you are unhappy with your wife.  Don't harm a woman - it is equivalent to murder ( v26)

23:1-8  Walk carefully in national alliances.   Israel was not allowed to intermingle with the Moabites or Ammonites because of how they treated them.  But surprisingly they were allowed to have Edomites and Egyptians enter the assembly after the 3rd generation.   Edomites, because they were relatives and Egyptians because they were aliens in Egypt.
9-14  Cleanliness in  the camp - a very practical law - with a very spiritual application - God is in the midst of the camp - so keep it clean! 
Be fair
Be pure
Be kind
Be honest
Keep your promises to God and to others.

So what does this mean to us, since we are no longer under the Law, but under Grace?
We are still meant to love the Lord with all of our being and to love others fully.
We are still called to live in purity and kindness and honesty.
We are still called to be careful in how we live and in our relationships - to honor God in all we do and all we say.
These laws are meant to help us see what is right and what is wrong in God's eyes.  The Spirit of God will lead us in the paths of righteousness and it will not be contrary to God's Word.

We may not need to worry about whether our garment is a mix of wool and linen - but we do need to be careful that we don't allow indecency in the midst of our homes and communities.  For God is with us.  He is PRESENT and He is Holy!  We need to yield to His wishes for us - to live in love and purity and grace.  

Oh Father in heaven, make us aware of the fact that You walk in the midst of our "camp".  You walk in our homes and in our places of business.  You walk in our cities and towns.  You are here and You are holy.  Open our eyes to see things as You do and to tear down and throw out anything that is unworthy of You.  Cleanse us and make us whole and perfect and good.  Thank you Jesus that You have redeemed us and purchased us.  Wash our feet once again, we pray, in Your holy Name. Amen.

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