Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Psalm 128 The blessing that God gives is for "everyone who fears" Him.  Those who have a deep reverence of God.  Those who trust and obey, conforming to His will, yielding to His Spirit.  The blessing is complete.  It is past, present, and future.  We were blessed to come to know Him, blessings abound in the daily walk with Him, blessings will be multiplied in eternity with Him.   Matthew Henry's Commentary says " God blesses them, and his pronouncing them blessed makes them so."  The blessing is to anyone who fears The Lord, no matter what their status or nationality.  But the blessing is personal too.   "You will be happy and it will be well with you." ( v2b).  It is a promise we can stand on,  it is based on the grace of our Faithful God Who says it is so.   Reading the psalm in a version called "The Voice" brings a fresh wind of joy. Listen to the first verse " Those who stand in awe of the Eternal - who follow wherever he leads, committed in their hearts - experience His blessings!
I stand in awe of You, O Lord! You are my Shepherd.  You are Adonai! Creator, Sustainer, Judge, Lover of my soul. Infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and eternal God.  You are at work in me, you are my hope and stay. Bless Your Name which is highly to be praised!

Zechariah 9-10 Beautiful truths of the coming Messiah are revealed in these prophecies.  The King is coming "to you", he tells us.  "He is just and endowed with salvation, humble and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey."   He comes to speak peace.  He comes to reign over all the earth.  He comes to set prisoners free.  He comes to restore and to defend His people.  He comes to save His flock. He comes to bring them back to Himself.  He comes because He has compassion on us.
"And I shall strengthen them in The Lord, and in His name they will walk, declares The Lord" 10:12
Jesus is ALL!  He is everything that was promised in these prophecies. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of The Lord!  Hosanna! Amen,

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