Friday, June 21, 2013

Psalm 126:4  "Restore our captivity, O Lord, As the streams in the South."  What?  The commentaries suggest that this request is actually about The Lord completing what He has begun.  The exiles are returning and the prayer is that there would be more coming.  The dried desert river bed restored to fresh flowing streams of needed water.  The dried land restored to a glorious nation.
The exiles are coming, but it is hard and trying, many tears are shed.  But a day of rejoicing is ahead when the harvest is brought in.  The nation of Israel would likewise be restored but with many tears and much work.

"He restores my soul".  He turns us back from tears and sorrow, from dryness and death.  He brings us back to fruitfulness and life and joy.  This is His gift to us who call to Him.  To the sheep of His pasture.
I have been like the "cast sheep" the one stuck in a pit with my burden weighing me down.  I can't get up with out the help of the Shepherd, the One Who restores His sheep.  One of the meanings given to this Hebrew word shuwb - restore - is "fetch home again" pull in again, rescue, retrieve.  It contains the ideas of doing anything.. feed, lodge, lie down, rejoice, send, take, weep, answer, bring....  But I really like the sweetness of being brought back home.  Carried in the arms of the Shepherd. Like the lost sheep that Jesus spoke of in the parables. Thank You Jesus, Shepherd of my soul.  I rest in You.
I love You. Keep me in Your Love.  Glory and praise and blessing to Your Holy Name!

Hebrews 5
A high priest was called by God.  He was appointed on behalf of men.  He was meant to offer gifts and sacrifices; deal gently with the ignorant and misguided; and recognize his own need for forgiveness from sins.   Christ was called to be a high priest.  He offered prayers and supplications.  He learned obedience through suffering.  He is the perfect source of eternal salvation.
The writer wants us to know this.  These are the elementary teachings. The basis for training in the discernment between good and evil. Jesus was a Priest of the order of Melchizedek.  An eternal Priest of a mysterious order.  He is God's anointed.
Someday we will understand and this mystery will make perfect sense. Oh what a day that will be!
Until then, I will follow You Jesus.  I thank You for being my holy and high Priest. Keep on offering prayers for me!  Help me to know You more and obey You always.

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