Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Psalm 127: 3-5  Children:  A gift from the Lord.  A reward.  A weapon?  A blessing. A source of courage and pride.  This psalm pronounces all these things.  My child, the "fruit" of my womb, is certainly a gift to me.  There is a deep love for and profound joy in one's child,  watching him or her grow, mature, love. My daughter is beautiful inside and out.   But is she like "an arrow in the hand of a warrior"? That is what it says here.  She is a strong woman, a good mother to her boys, a successful business woman.  But, an arrow?  What does that mean? The Bible Knowledge Commentary states that "Sons help defend the family.." In times of danger from without. Outside enemies. And also in civil matters " in the gate". From within the nation/city.  
There will come a time when we must depend upon our children to care for us, in one way or another.  We all get older and more defenseless on our own and need someone to come along and help.  Children are a gift and a blessing for such times.  It is another way that The Lord provides for His own. Thank you Jesus! Thank you for not only my daughter but for 3 (step) sons you have also gifted me with through marriage.  These are a blessing and a source of pride and encouragement.  Bless them with the children of their youth also.  Bless their children's children! Be glorified in each of their lives. Give them strong faith, pure hearts, and deep love in Christ Jesus.  amen.

Hebrews 2
Jesus: The provider of "so great a salvation"!
The Law was and is unalterable. "every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense."
That is Truth. But we have been given a GREAT SALVATION!  Jesus!
Pay attention, take heed.. the writer of Hebrews tells us.
It was Jesus who was "made for a little while lower than the angels," ( v9) It was Jesus who "partook of the same, (flesh and blood), that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is the devil"
  It is Jesus who:
delivers from the slavery brought on by the fear of death;
helps the descendants of Abraham
in all things is made like his brethren, not ashamed to call the sanctified, his brethren.
became a merciful High Priest,
made propitiation for the sins of the people.. merciful reconciliation/ atonement
comes to the aid of the tempted.
And it is Jesus Who "Thou hast crowned Him with Glory and Honor and hast appointed Him over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things in subjection under His feet."
Jesus, the Author of Salvation, tasted death for everyone, to bring many sons to glory.
Here is the Gospel spelled out once again.
Sin must be recompensed.
Death is the payment.
Satan had the power of death.
Christ Jesus broke that power by becoming one of us, dying on the cross and rising again.
He is the author of salvation, He is the deliverer, the payment, the reconciler , the merciful and perfect provision,  And all things are subject to HIM! All things were made through Him and for Him!
Crown Him with many Crowns! Honor Him with all your strength and life and with all that is in you.
He is worthy of all our praise.  He is worthy of all our allegiance.  He is worthy of all our life.  Amen.

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