Monday, June 17, 2013

Psalm 127  "Unless The Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it;"   Our God is the Sovereign Lord of all.   Worldly thinking leads us to think that we are masters of our own souls and makers of our own fates... but that is not truth.  We can attempt to build our own homes, marry, have children, choose our careers, etc.  But, unless we come to realize that all our own efforts are useless/vain, we can not make it stand.  Marriages fall apart, children rebel, jobs are lost, families are shipwrecked.   We NEED The Lord!  The Lord is MY Shepherd, I shall not want.  It is in the safety and shelter of our Shepherd that we find the security and peace that we desire and need.  It is God alone who provides what we need, for life, for peace, for blessing.  "For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep" ( v2).  Even our sleep is a sweet gift from His gracious Hand.  It is He "who makes us lie down in green pastures".  Our frantic efforts, our anxiety and stress, are in vain.  Jesus assures us that God knows what we need.  Seek Him and His righteousness, we are reminded. He will provide everything else.  Thank You Lord!  You are righteous in all Your ways and kind in all Your deeds. Great is The Lord and highly to be praised!

Hebrews 1
The Son
-God's Word
Appointed heir
through Whom creation was accomplished
the radiance of God's glory
the exact representation of God's nature
the upholder of all things by His word and power
the purifier of all sins
the One Who sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high
the superior of angels
the inheritor of the more excellent Name
The Begotten of the Father
the first born
the One worshipped by the angels, who are His ministers
The One Who sits on the Throne forever
The One Who has a righteous scepter
Who loves righteousness and hates lawlessness
The anointed One
The maker of heaven and earth
He Who will roll up the heaven and earth as a mantle, a garment to be changed
The One Who never changes and will never end
"The weight of the whole creation is laid upon Christ; he supports the whole and all the parts. When, upon the apostasy, the world was breaking to pieces under the wrath and curse of God, the Son of God,undertaking the work of redemption, bound it up again, and established it by his almighty power and goodness. " ( Matthew Henry's Commentary)
Past, present, and future.  He was and is and will forever be!  Praise and honor and glory to our King!

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