Thursday, June 27, 2013

Psalm 124  The Lord is on our side! "Our help is in the Name of The Lord, Who made heaven and earth."   Look Who comes along side of us to help.. The Lord, the Creator God, Who made everything from nothing.  The One Who is Sovereign, Ruler of all creation.  The God Who was and is and is to come.  The God Who is infinite. Omnipresent. Omniscient. Omnipotent.  In his book The Knowledge of the Holy Tozer prefaces his discussion of God's attributes by explaining that we only know of the attributes that God has revealed as "being true of Himself".  But, "God, being infinite, must possess attributes about which we can know nothing."  Far beyond our limited finite abilities to conceive, let alone understand.  "Only to an equal could God communicate the mystery of His Godhead; and to think of God as having an equal is to fall into intellectual absurdity." God is incomprehensible to the mind of man.  We cannot know Him except as He has revealed Himself to us.  He has chosen to do that, not by reason, Tozer says, "but to faith and love. Faith is an organ of knowledge and love an organ of experience." He came to us, He revealed Himself to us, "He reconciled us to Himself, and by faith and love we enter and lay hold of Him."

This is The Lord, who is on our side, Who is our help! Know that He is able to do all things! Know that He is good.  Know that He loves you.  Know that He hears you.  Know that He is on your side.  Know this by faith, by running to Him, and letting Him catch you. Know it by His love.
"God is gracious and merciful. Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness."  Believe it today and receive it with joy.  "Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your Name forever and ever"

Hebrews 9 The first covenant came with the writing of the law on the tablets.  It included the tabernacle and the furnishings, the regulations for the practice of worship, and the appointment of priests to minister and to offer gifts and sacrifices.  The writer of Hebrews tells us that this was all a symbol, a foreshadowing, of the reality that Christ now revealed.   This new covenant includes a new law, written on hearts and minds, a true and perfect tabernacle, "not of this creation"; a new and perfect High Priest, Jesus, Who has entered the HOLY place once for all, having offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice.  It is His blood that does what the blood of goats and bulls could not do, "for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed".  He cleanses our conscience, He redeems our soul, He gives eternal life.  He puts "away sin by the sacrifice of Himself".   Everything else was a "copy" Hebrews tells us.  This is reality. This is completion. This is God's perfect plan, perfectly executed, and perfectly complete.  OH how great is our salvation!
There is one phrase that I must go back to though, in verse 15.  All this is given to "those who have been called".  To those whose name is called, those bidden to come to Him.  It is an invitation.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 22 that it is like the invitation that a king sent out, to attend the wedding feast of his son.  But many were unwilling to come.  Some made excuses.  Some paid no attention.  Some responded with anger and violence towards the servants who came with the invitation.  The king declares these as unworthy.  There was one who came later, but was not properly dressed.  This one was bound and thrown "into the outer darkness; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.".  Many are called, Jesus tells us, "but few are chosen."
He calls us by name. He calls us to a wonderful salvation that He fully provides. He bids us come.  But we must be willing.  We must not offer excuses, ignore His call, or come with our own inappropriate clothing ( our unrighteous self-righteousness).   We must come on His terms, by faith.
Thank you Lord for saving me.  I come to You. Complete all Your purposes in me.  Amen.

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