Thursday, June 13, 2013

Psalm 128:3, 6  God's blessings include those who He gives us... our family.  A wife who is fruitful, children who are like "olive plants".  This is the wonderful and most precious blessing we can have.  To be a wife who is useful, profitable, helpful, faithful, a helpmate to her husband.  To partner together to raise a family, to encourage and tenderly care for the children that God gifts us with.  Then to see them sit around the table, not the old worn out kitchen table, but the table of God.  This is  my deepest desire and strongest plea.  Not just the children of physical birth, but spiritual children as well. .  Lord, grant me this blessing from Your Hand.  To be a Light to my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and to see them walk in Your ways, obedient to Your will.
Father God, cover them with the blood of Jesus, keep them from evil, and fulfill Your purposes in their lives.  I ask in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Written after the exile, this book addresses Israel's lack of true worship and relationship with God.
They doubted God's love,  they failed to honor Him or His laws, they didn't fear Him, and didn't expect Him to change anything.  They treated each other badly, they divorced their wives, married foreign wives,  and were in danger of losing every blessing that was once theirs.
God calls them back to Himself.  To His Word, to obedience, to respect and reverence of His Name and His House.  He chastises the priests for not doing what they were called to do.  He then gives them a promise to send the Messiah.  But, not for deliverance in the way they wanted or expected.  They sought Him for the physical blessings.  He was coming to refine and purify their hearts,  to make them righteous and holy. To restore the "hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers."
The evil doers and arrogant will be "set ablaze", but those who fear His Name will find true righteousness, and in His righteousness they will find that True relationship with God, as His possession.
"So you will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him." (3:18)
 Here again I make my supplication to The Lord, Most High.  Purify my heart, and the hearts of those You have given to me, my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Bring each to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Show mercy and grace, I ask in His Name.  Amen.

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