Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Psalm 128:2 " When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, you will be happy and it will be well with you."   My female, American  middle aged mind wonders at this statement.  Our culture gives such mixed, emotional, guilt producing messages about food.  Don't eat this, eat that, this causes belly fat, that causes cancer. Weight gain is frowned upon, mocked,  and sometimes persecuted.... Yet, this is not God's plan at all!  Eat of the fruit of your hands. In our culture not many of us grow our own food.  We work at a job, get paid, go to the grocery store, and purchase our food.  But in the end it is still our labor that buys the "fruit".  To be happy and to be well is supposed to be the end result, when we fear The Lord and walk in His ways.  Jesus says that we should not worry about what we will eat or drink, but to  trust, "for your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things." Life is "more than food, and the body (more) than clothing."  Don't be anxious, the Shepherd tells His sheep, I care for you.  I will provide.  I will make you happy and well.  I want to come to You Lord and rest in your perfect care. To trust in Your provisions, to yield to Your will.  To be blessed, happy and well, and thankful.  Remove the anxiety of western cultural thinking and replace it with Your peace.
" Peace be upon Israel" (v6), ends this psalm.  Peace be upon America, upon you, upon me.  The Lord bless you!

Zechariah 11-14 After Israel rejects her Messiah, described in chapter 11, The Lord will break His covenant with them.   But, that is not the end of what The Lord will do!  Chapters 12-14 describe the return of the King, the salvation of Jerusalem and Judah, the reign of Jesus.. the Day of The Lord.
This warns against those who reject The Lord God and His Christ, Jesus.  It gives hope and joy to those who believe in Him and who watch for His return.  Salvation comes from His Hands, this "Lord who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him." (12:1) He will do all that He says He will, fulfilling all His promises, and punishing all who refuse to look to Him.  God always gives us the freedom to choose Him, to worship the King, to find blessing and life.  Choose to worship the One Who sits on the throne.  " To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever!"  Amen

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