Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ps. 142  David uses his voice to to "cry out" , " make supplication" v1, "pour out my complaint", declare my trouble" v2;  "cry out" and say " Thou art my refuge" v5.; and all that to lead to v. 7 " So that I may give thanks to Thy name" .  The Lord is His hope.  That God will "deal bountifully" with him is the end result that David hopes.  In faith he lifts his voice in earnest prayer believing that God will hear and deliver him.  David does not hold back in his prayers.  He cries, complains, asks, declares, and thanks God.  In a time of trouble, when he is overwhelmed with enemies, and he is in despair, " brought very low"  God is his refuge.  He is also mine.  Oh Thank You Father that you will "deal bountifully with me" also.  I put my faith in You alone.  I cry out to You and pour out my heart to you. You are my portion. Amen

Colossians 3
In Chapter 2 Paul teaches that we must not put our focus on the outward, the elementary principles,  the rules of self-made religion.  But, to focus instead, on the things above.  On Christ, "who is our life"  This is our "new self" , the old self has been crucified with Christ, put to death.  As such we are to consider ourselves dead to " immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed"  also "anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech";  and "Do not lie to one another" .  All these are "evil practices"  of the old self.  Lust for things ( greed) is just as evil as lust for sex ( immorality, impurity, and passion) . All desires for that which is evil is idolatry.  This will bring God's wrath, not His blessing.  On top of this, Paul teaches that we must put aside : anger ( passion of the mind, abhorrence, indignation, vengeance, wrath), wrath ( fierceness,  to breathe hard and blow smoke -to slay/kill) ; malice ( badness, depravity, trouble, naughtiness, wickedness); slander ( blasphemeo - to vilify, speak impiously, defame, rail on, revile, speak evil) - abusive speech and lies.
Our new self is being renewed "to a true knowledge" - to the image of the One who created us.  Christ is all and in all.  We have been "chosen of God, holy and beloved"  So we " put on a heart of compassion( pity, mercy), kindness, ( usefulness, excellence, gentleness, goodness) , humility, gentleness, and patience" v12.  We are to bear with one another ( put up with, endure, forbear, suffer)  and to forgive one another ( grant as favor, gratuitously, in kindness,  pardon or rescue, deliver, freely give or grant grace to ) .  Following the supreme example of Christ's forgiveness to us.  And above all else the new self puts on love ( agape - affection, charity) - which brings unity.  We need the Peace of Christ to rule our hearts.  (Peace - eirene - to join, one, prosperity, quietness, rest - set at one again)  To rule our hearts( our thoughts and feelings) . And we are to be thankful.
When all we do, all we say, all we speak, and all we serve is focused in Christ, for Him, and to Him. Then we are walking in a way to receive the reward of the inheritance He has prepared for us.  That is a whole different life than trying to follow a set of rules that focus on what you eat and what day you consider holy.  And I know I can not in anyway do this on my own.  It is His Life in me that transforms me from the life that practices evil to the one that does everything in His Name.  Oh Lord, help me.  I am your child and I need your Spirit to renew me to a true knowledge "according tot he image of the One who created" me.

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