Wednesday, March 13, 2013

David cries out to The Lord for help in a time of utter weakness. ( Psalm 143)  " Answer me quickly, O Lord, my spirit fails"   A prayer of desperation for God's presence and help. To seek God's loving kindness. We fail to realize our own weaknesses and desperate need for the Lord's Presence and  help every day.  " My soul longs for Thee, as a parched land" .  We live in a parched and weary land also.  Do we have such a longing for God's presence as David did?  If not then we don't realize how weak and desperate we really are.  The Imitation of Christ " In truth thou art a sinner; thou art subject to and encumbered with many passions. Of thyself thou always tendest to nothing; speedily thou cast down, speedily overcome, speedily disordered, speedily dissolved. Thou has nothing whereof thou canst glory, but many things for which thou oughtest to account thyself vile; for thou art much weaker than thou art able to comprehend."  We worry about so many things of the world that are of no consequence, but fail to take seriously the things of God.  O Lord, I need Your Presence and help in my life. My soul longs for You!

Daniel 9-12
Daniel studies the books and comes upon the prophecies of Jeremiah.  He observes that the completion of Jerusalem's desolation was 70 years.  So he begins praying and seeking God.  He prays a mighty prayer of confession and repentance for the nation of Israel.  While he is praying Gabriel comes to speak with him. He explains to Daniel that Jerusalem will be rebuilt and restored and that the Messiah would come.  But then the Messiah would be cut off.
Chapter 10 skips to the 3rd year of Cyrus's reign, and Daniel is once again praying.  He mourned for 3 weeks we are told. Then he receives his final vision.  It is so intense that all of Daniel's strength is taken away and he can't even stand up. This vision is very detailed and explains all that will happen in the time of the end. There is much that will happen that is frightening and confusing.  But in the end Daniel is told that he will" enter into rest and rise again for your alloted portion at the end of the age."  The most important thing we need to understand through these prophecies is found in Dan. 12:2-3 " And many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever."   Oh how vital it is that our name is found  written in the book.   In Daniel's first vision ( Dan. 7:10)  he sees the Ancient of Days take His seat on the throne and the books were opened.  "Thousands upon thousands were attending to Him, And myriads upon myriads were standing before Him".  I want to be one who serves Him and not one who awaits judgement.  Thank you Jesus for being my Saviour and Lord.  May I walk always in Your ways and be found in You, complete and righteous before the Ancient of Days.  Amen.

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