Monday, March 18, 2013

Psalm 142  "Thou art my Refuge"  Whenever I am overwhelmed, I run to HIm.  Sometimes I feel, well, rather guilty about having to run to Him, wondering how it is that I feel far away from Him.
But, I know He wants me to draw near again.  To believe that He loves me and that He is a Refuge that I can find peace and hope in.  So, I will say with the psamist. "Thou art MY refuge"   I am drawing near Lord, let me hear Your tender voice.

Colossians 2 Paul "struggles" for the church in Colossae and Laodicea.  For hearts that are encouraged,  for hearts knit together in love,  for full assurance of understanding, for true knowledge of God's mystery - Christ Himself.  He rejoices in the stability of faith in Christ.
They were firmly rooted in Christ - having received  Christ Jesus The Lord.
Now they are being built up in Him - to walk in Him, established in faith.  Overflowing with gratitude.
Any other teaching is vain and deceptive.  For in Christ " all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge"  are hidden,  In Him, " all the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form"  In Him, we are " made complete and He is the head over all rule and authority"
Paul " tells of His greatness"
In Him, we are circumcised - "the removal of the body of flesh"  We were dead in transgressions, which He has forgiven.  v11, 13
In Him, we are buried - in baptism,  He cancelled out our debt, He nailed it to the cross. v 12,14
In Him, we are raised, through faith"in the working of God who raised Him from the dead"
We are made alive together with Him! v13
Paul instructs the church to hold fast to Christ and to not allow man-made rules and religion to become the rule over us.  Self-abasement, self-made religions, commandments and teachings of men, are not what saves.  He alone is the Savior.  Hold fast to Him.
" Into the love of Jesus, deeper and deeper I go; Praising the One who brought me out of my sin and woe' And through eternal ages, gratefully I shall sing; Oh , how He loved! Oh, how He Loved! Jesus, my Lord and my King"
Oh the old, old story, is the one I need to hear and to tell.  Thank You Jesus!

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