Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Colossians 4  As Paul concludes the letter to Colossae he reminds them once again of the importance of prayer ( v2) .  Devotion to prayer ( devote - proskartereo - to be earnest toward, to persevere, be constantly diligent, to attend assiduously, to adhere closely, attend continually).   ( prayer - proseuche - prayer, worship, an oratory, earnest prayer, supplicate, worship) .  "keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving"  Paul asks for prayer for himself and later tells them of Epaphras's earnest laboring in prayer for them.  The emphasis of his prayer and Paul's also in chapter 1 is on their steadfastness in their faith.  " that you may stand perfect and fully assured in all the will of God" v12.
Paul prayed " for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience" 1:11 and then emphasized the point again in v23 " if indeed you continue in the faith, firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard"  In ch. 2:5  he rejoices in their stability of faith, and in v7 reminds them that they have been "rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith"

To pray for fellow believers , for each other, earnestly laboring in prayer for their steadfastness in the faith, seems like a really wonderful and needful work.  Yet, we fail to do so.  At least for me.  I pray for salvation, health, safety, blessing..... and I am learning to pray for sanctification, for the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of friends and family.  But, I see that I have often neglected to be devoted to earnest prayer that others may stand perfect and fully assured in the will of God.   That they stand firm and be made complete in Christ.  Yet this is my heart's desire for my children and grandchildren, my brother's and sisters.  Once again I ask You Lord, teach me to pray.

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