Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Apart from God we are nothing. Thomas a` Kempis writes " Yet do remember, O Lord, that I am nothing, have nothing, and can do nothing." Only God is good, just, holy, able to do anything.  By His grace and mercy he fills our hearts so that we will not be "void and in vain" works of His Hand.
It is in His visitation, His presence that we are taught to do His will, to walk worthily and humbly in His sight.  This reflects David's prayer in Psalm 143. David confesses that he has been crushed and overwhelmed.  He knows his own unrighteousness, that he cannot stand before the Judgement.  No one can. He is nothing, has nothing, and can do nothing.   But, he calls out to The Lord God and stretches out his hands to Him Who is faithful and merciful. "For the sake of Thy name, O Lord, revive me.  In Thy righteousness bring by soul out of trouble."  Praise God, Who does not leave us empty, but fills us with Himself, teaches us to do His will and gives us His Holy Spirit to lead us on level ground,  for His Sake. For the sake of His Name.

Daniel 7 is the telling of Daniel's first vision.  It happened in the days of Belshazzar, so before the reign of Darius and the lion's den experience.  Daniel is laying on his bed when this dream/vision comes to him. He sees 4 beasts come out of the ocean. Each one unique. 1) a lion with wings, whose wings are clipped and then he is transformed into a man. 2) a bear with ribs in his mouth, who devours much meat. 3) A leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads. 4) A dreadful beast, terrifying, extremely strong, with iron teeth, who crushes and devours and tramples all others.  This beast has 10 horns, but a new horn emerges and 3 horns are lost. The new horn is boastful.  In the vision, Daniel sees the Ancient of Days come and take His seat on the throne. There are thousands attending Him and myriads of myriads standing before Him. "The court sat,and the books were opened." v10.   The first action was the destruction of the beast in the river of burning fire that was before The Lord.
Then came " One like a Son of Man" . He was presented before the Ancient of Days and was given dominion, glory, and a kingdom which is everlasting!  "That all the peoples, nations, and men of every language might serve Him."   Daniel is distressed by this vision.  It is alarming to him, even after he is given the interpretation.  Daniel seems most  concerned about the 4th beast, representing the 4th kingdom, different than all the others.  This beast speaks out against the Most High, wears down the saints, and intends to " make alterations in times and in law;"  He is given dominion for a period of time.  "BUT the court will sit for judgement, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever" Then the saints will be given the kingdom that will be everlasting.
What a day that will be!  Why did Daniel not rejoice?  Why so alarmed? Daniel knew the dream given Nebuchadnezzar.  What was so different about this one that it made him tremble?
In Daniel 8, another vision is related, 2 years after the 1st one. This one actually makes Daniel" sick for days"  He is so astounded and overwhelmed by this because none could explain it. Daniel, having experience so much in his life, cannot understand this vision and is exhausted and sickened by it.  What will we do if these things come to pass in our times? Call upon the Name of the LOrd and be saved! Thank God for the Prince of Peace who reigns forever and ever!

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