Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Praise The Lord who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  He is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds.  He is near to all who call on Him.  He keeps all who love Him.   This is the God, our King!  And this is why we bless His Name and praise Him every day.  I bless His Name by speaking out about the good things, the wonderful things, the great works He has done.  To tell of His greatness and goodness.   God saved me from my sins.  He washed me and cleansed me and made me pure and blameless through the blood of Jesus Christ my Lord.  God gave me a family and blessed me with a love for them and for my church as well.   God rescued me from bad choices  I have made and given me a life that has been to this point precious and sweet.
Not without trials, but the good far overshadowing the bad.  You have been kind to me Father.  Thank You.  Thank you for being my Healer, my Provider, my Protector.  My Shepherd.  I will bless Your Name forever and ever.   ( Ps. 145)

Philippians 2

To be like Christ.  That is the desire of God's heart for us.   Yet we cannot attain to that on our own.  He began that good work and He will be the One to complete it.  There is encouragement in Christ. There is consolation in His love. There is fellowship of the Spirit.  There is compassion and affection in Him.  So we are to:
Be of one mind.
Maintain the same love.
Be united in spirit.
Be intent on one purpose.
Do nothing from selfish ambition or empty conceit.
Be humble and regard others as more important than ourselves.
Look out for the interests of others.
Have the attitude of Jesus, Who humbled Himself, emptying Himself to become a man and dying on the cross.  Obedient unto death.
We work out our salvation with fear and trembling, in obedience to the will of God, who is at work in us to both " will and to work for His good pleasure."  To act without grumbling and complaining, holding fast to God's Word, blameless and beyond reproach - this is what makes us lights in the world.  Like Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus, we are to pour ourselves out in service to others. That they might have faith and joy also.

The Shepherd's voice is reminding me that I must put aside myself and my will and to look to His.  God's will and man's good.  Simplicity is what Thomas a` Kempis says.   Sometimes not so simple.  How do I do good to some who hide behind anonymous accusations?  How do I maintain unity in the spirit with one who has lied and then refused to identify themselves for reconciliation?   I need to consider them more important than myself.  But what does that mean?  That their comfort is more important than truth?   I still have no answers.  But I ask You Father to do in me what You will that Your work be complete in me.  Amen.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We are to declare God's mighty acts and great unsearchable acts to the next generation.  If we are following David's example of blessing the Lord every day, then it will be natural to us and we will tell our children and grandchildren the works and acts of God.  Every Day!  That is the key.  Let my mouth speak of You O Lord, not of anything that is unworthy , let me not waste my  breath on that which is temporary and fading, but to declare Your acts, to bless Your Name forever and ever.  Especially to speak these before my children and grandchildren and great grandchildren.    Forgive me O Lord for meditating on lesser things than "The glorious splendor of Thy majesty, And on thy wonderful works" Ps. 145:5  Glorious splendor - comliness, beauty, excellence, glory, magnificence, grandeur.

Philippians 1

Paul prays for this church in Philippi.  He prays with joy because they are still partners in the gospel.  They are growing in faith.  They love and support him.  But they are facing persecution.
Paul prays for their love to abound more and knowledge and discernment.
 For them to have real knowledge ( recognition and acknowledgement) and discernment. (perception/judgement)
That they may approve the things that are excellent. ( better of more value)
That they may be sincere ( genuine) and blameless until the day of Christ.
That they may be filled with the fruit of righteousness.
That they might conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
That they might stand firm in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel.
That they might not be alarmed by the opposition.
That they may know that to suffer for Christ's sake is a privilege granted to them.

Thomas a` Kempis said in his book  " Simplicity ought to be our intention; purity in our affections.  Simplicity doth tend towards God; purity doth apprehend and taste Him."  and " If thou intend and seek nothing else but the will of God and the good of thy neighbor, thou shalt thoroughly enjoy inward liberty. "

To focus on , meditate on the majesty and glory of God and His mighty works and to live with simply in the light of His Glory will bring us to live as Paul prays for the church.  Father, I pray for this for myself, for my family, and for my church.  Holy Spirit, let Your power flow in us, for You who
" began a good work" in us will "perfect it until the day of  Christ Jesus"  Amen!

Monday, February 25, 2013

" I will extol Thee my God, O King.  I will bless Your Name forever and ever. Every day I will bless Thee, and I will praise Thy Name forever and ever.  Great is the Lord and highly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable."  Psalm 145:1-3    To bless - to  speak well of, to honor and praise with our voices.  This psalm of David emphasizes verbal, out loud words of praise to our God.   Over and over the verbs are focused on what comes out of our mouths -  I will extol Thee,  I will bless Thy Name,  I will bless Thee, I will praise Thee,  ( they) will declare They mighty acts,  men shall speak of the power of Thine awesome acts,  I will tell of Thy greatness, They shall eagerly utter the memory of Thine abundant goodness,  shout joyfully of Thy righteousness, give thanks, speak of the glory of the Kingdom, make known.. Thy mighty acts.  V. 21 sums it up " My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord; And all flesh will bless his holy Name forever and ever. "   Looking forward to  studying this psalm this week.  It seems a good one to memorize.  Lord help me to open my mouth every day to bless You and praise Your Name!

Moving to the NT book of Philippians this week.  Today just reading the whole book through.  What jumps out to me is Paul's love for this church.  He prays for them and encourages them.  He gently corrects them and he comforts them.    He wants so much for them to stand firm and to keep moving ahead in their faith walk. He wants them to keep their eyes on Jesus. To stay " sincere and blameless".  His prayers for them are full of joy.  They are precious to him.   Not perfect, but then neither is he, but pressing forward.   This is a letter one would write to your grown children.  Encouraging and confirming, yet reminding them of what is truely important.  The day of Christ's return is drawing near.  Be ready.  But more than that, be excited and look forward to that wonderful day.  For " to live is Christ and to die is gain"

The Shepherd's voice this morning sweetly and gently whispers, " Are you ready?"   Am I living with expectation of His coming or of my death?  Like Paul I hope that I shall not be to shame in anything, but that Christ shall "be exalted in my body whether by life or by death. " 1:20

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Praise to The Lord !  I will sing praises to my God while I have my being, the psalmist says.   While I can,  while I have breath, I will sing to Him!  You are my Hope Lord God!  You are Almighty God!  I will praise You.  You are faithful.  You are Just.  You are merciful.  You are kind.  You are loving.  You are Righteous.  I am so thankful that You reign forever!  Praise Your Name!

Ezekiel 43  Ezekiel is having a vision of the new temple and he sees the glory of the Lord returning to fill the house.  It is like the vision he had before and it once again brings him to fall on his face.  Here is the place of God's throne and " the place of the soles of My feet" ( v7).  Where God dwells among the sons of Israel. Forever.   But Israel still needs to be conscious of putting away her harlotries.  The corpses of the kings needed to be removed from their place near God's throne.   Any everything needed to be made exactly to God's standards.  The altar is to be made and the sacrifices offered according to God's commands.  Then He says "I will accept you"

The life and death of Jesus Christ was exactly according to God's standards.  The sacrifice He offered, Himself,  was perfectly completed. Because of this God says to us,  "I will accept you".
He alone can bring us into the presence of God.  Precious Jesus.  Thank You for being  the One who "keeps faith forever" Ps. 146:6.  You are my Lord and Savior and there is no other Name under heaven by which we are saved.
Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Praise the Lord!  Our trust is to be in God alone.  There is no help or salvation in mankind.  Not a even a prince can live forever or be a source of salvation.  Only Christ!  As Thomas a` Kempis reminds us " For men soon change and quickly fail; but Christ remaineth for ever, and standeth by us firmly unto the end"  He tells us to learn to despise the outward and to give ourselves to the inward, to prepare our hearts for the Bridegroom, to let our thoughts fly to Him, to rest in His sacred wounds.
Psalm 146 :5 "How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, Whose hope is in the Lord"  Oh how wonderful He is!  How worthy of  all our praise.   He reigns!  Praise the Lord!

Ezekiel 40 begins a detailed description of  the new temple.  Similar but not exactly like Soloman's temple, this is thought to be the temple of the Millenium.  So detailed and orderly with exact measurements shown to Ezekiel by an angel with a measuring rod.  As I read through The Bible Knowledge Commentary and looked at their sketches I long to see it.  To know the marvel of seeing the Glory of the LORD filling the temple.   This had to be amazing for Ezekiel, but of course he had already had of vision of heaven, so maybe this wasn't as exciting to him.  But it had to be an encouragement after 25 years of exile.  There would come a day when Israel would again be the people of God.  A day when Jerusalem would be the city of God.  When the people would be worshippers of the only True God. Forever.  Oh what a day that will be!

The Shepherd's voice reminds me today that I must keep my eyes on Jesus, on the hope of His coming.  This world and our country in particular will fail.  We cannot trust in our government.  It is sinful and cannot help us.  God alone is our Hope and Help.   May my thoughts continually fly to You Jesus!  Fill me , dwell in me with all Your glory and beauty.  Let Your kingdom come.  amen

Monday, February 18, 2013

Psalm 146  Praise The Lord!  He is our Help. He is our Hope.  He is our Creator, our just Judge, our Provider,  our Rescuer, our Healer,  our compassionate Redeemer.   He reigns forever!  You are marvelous beyond words Father God, Mighty and Loving in all You do.  I Praise Your Name.

Ezekiel 38-39  The future of Israel is the subject of this prophecy given to Ezekiel.  These events have not yet been fulfilled, but are still to come.  Great nations will once again come against Israel.  They will come in great number, with mighty weapons, like a cloud they will come to cover the land. When this happens God will come against them.  He will sanctify Himself, in zeal and blazing wrath, God will shake the mountains, He will strike with His sword.  He will send pestilence, rain, hailstones, fire and brimstone.   There will be no doubt in any person's mind that God has done this.
God will magnify Himself, sanctify Himself, and make Himself known " in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am The Lord" 38:23    " And My holy name I shall make known in the midst of My people Israel ; and I shall not let MY holy name be profaned anymore. And the nations will know that I am The Lord the Holy One in Israel.  Behold, it is coming and it shall be done, declares The Lord God, That is the day of which I have spoken" 39:7-8
Israel will know their God.  The nations will know the God of Israel.  No one will be ignorant of the One Who made all things.  We will rejoice in that day.  The only sad part is that so many unbelievers will be forever lost to that joy.

You are God alone, from before time began.  And You are on Your throne. You are God alone!

The Shepherd speaks:  In times past God made Himself known with mighty works, yet there were unbelievers.  In the future God will do this extraordinary work of delivering Israel from a massive army and nations will believe,  but there are still unbelievers who die.   Right now, in this present time,  Oh God let us see Your mighty works and let the lost turn from their rebellious ways and believe and follow Jesus.  May the nations know the God of Israel even now.  Lord of the harvest , send forth reapers into the harvest.  Please.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Praise the Lord!  God gives snow, scatters frost, and casts forth His ice.  "Who can stand before His cold?"   Then He sends His Word to melt them!   All of us have had frozen hearts, cold and barren , icy.  But the Word of  God comes and melts them.  Praise the Lord!  Melt away all the ice and snow in our hearts Mighty God!  Praise Your Name and the Glory of Your Grace.

Ezekiel 37: 15-28  This follows the extraordinary vision of dry bones becoming living men.  Ezekiel is to take two sticks, representing Israel and Judah, and bind them together.  God declares that He is going to restore ONE nation.  One  Kingdom will be gathered back to the land and mountains of Israel.  One people with One God.  They will have One king - David,  or rather David's son - Jesus Christ our Lord.  There will be an everlasting covenant of peace.  And God will dwell in their midst forever.    All the nations will know that it is God Who sanctifies Israel.  For He will cleanse them, HE will shepeherd them,  He will lead them in righteousness.  They will " walk in My ordinances, and keep My statutes, and observe them"  .  Not try to or pretend ,  but really do it.   It is a supernatural sanctification.

It is all of You King Jesus.  You make the difference between a nation , a person,  living with frozen hearts unable to keep the Word of God;  and a sanctified, Holy nation or person living as a willing, faithful servant of God.  Your Word is precious and powerful.  Send it forth to melt the hearts of the lost. Gather us into Your Kingdom where we find Peace.  Bless The Lord oh my soul and forget not any of His benefits.

Thoughts from the book The Imitation of Christ  :  This chapter is called " Of meditation on death"
A reminder that death can come at any time, in any way, and that we must live in awareness of the fact.
"O the stupidity and hardness of man's heart which thinketh only upon the present and doth not rather care for what is to come!"
"Thou oughtest so to order thyself in all thy thoughts and actions, as if today thou wert to die.
'If today thou are not prepared, how wilt thou be tomorrow?"
"Alas!  Length of days doth not always better us, but often rather increaseth our sin. "
"Oh that we had spent but one day in this world thoroughly well!"
"Be thou therefore always in readiness, and so lead thy life that death may never take thee unprepared"
"O how wise and happy is he that now laboreth to be such an one in his life, as he will desire to be found at the hour of death!"
" A perfect contempt of the world, a fervant desire to go forward in all virtue, a love of discipline, a laborious repentance, a ready obedience, a denying of ourselves, and an endurance of any affliction what so ever for the love of Christ, will give us great confidence that we shall die happily."

Thoughts about death that make me want to live better.  "All for Jesus"  Ready to meet Him at His coming. Amen.  May it be so!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Psalm 147:18. "He sends forth His word and melts them; he causes His wind to blow and the waters to flow."    Wind - ruwach - breath / spirit.   Praise the Lord! The wind/ breath of the Lord is the Spirit who brings life!  Which brings me into today's passage in Ezekiel chapter 37'. The vision of dry bones.

Ezekiel is taken to a valley covered with dead men's bones.  Dry bones, long dead , no flesh, no life left.  No hope of life remains.  That's how the people of Israel saw themselves . Dried up, no hope, cut off. (V 11). This extraordinary vision given to Ezekiel reveals the Truth of God's power and grace.  He asks Ezekiel , " Son of man, can these bones live?"  Only God knows that , Ezekiel wisely answers.  And just like that the bones rattle and join together in just the right way, the sinews attach themselves ,the flesh covers it all .  But all there is now is a lot of lifeless bodies.... Until God sends the wind, the breath comes into the lifeless bodies and they come alive.  A whole army of men.
This is what God will do with Israel .  He will take them out of their graves and breathe into them His Spirit and they will come to life.  This is what happens to each of us at the time of our salvation, the Spirit of God, the Breathe of life, comes into us and we become alive!   Oh praise the Lord, Who " causes  His wind to blow"!!!! Breathe on me Breath of Life! Restore hope and joy in Your presence! Amen

The Shepherd's voice speaks clearly:  He is the Breath of Life.  We need Him for for every breath we breathe.  He causes His Wind to blow.  That is His choice to do.   Every moment of every day and every night I am dependent on Him,  for physical life, spiritual life,  and for eternal Life.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ps 147. Prais The Lord!  Thanksgiving and praises are to be sung to The Lord . He provides for man  and for beast alike.  Rain and sunshine for the grass to grow.  Give us this day our daily bread ....a prayer of petition, necessary to make us remember that it is His Hand that feeds us.  We take so much for granted.   We fail to praise Him and thank Him for all things.  Forgive us this trespass also Father.  Thank You for your gifts and provisions.  Praise The Lord!

Ezekiel 35-36
Mt Seir or Edom is told that it will pay the consequences for its sin.  Because it betrayed Israel , because it loved bloodshed, because it claimed the land that belongs to God as its own, and because it spoke arrogantly against God.....He will bring judgement and desolation will come.  Not only will Mount Seir know that He is the Lord,  but it will also teach Israel more about The Lord .
Failure to love those Who God loves.
Failure to recognize that God owns everything .
Failure to bow before Him.
These sins of Edom brought about desolation - emptiness, worthlessness , devastation, waste.
True for nations and true for people.

Ch 36 God speaks to the mountains.  The land of Israel belongs to Him.  He will bring back His people to walk these heights again . Not because they deserve it but because of His holy Name. He will restore the nation.  He will give them new hearts, he will cleanse them from their filthiness and idols. He will give the Holy Spirit.  He will increase their grain and fruit .  And when they see that they will mourn over their sins.  When they see the nation of Israel like the garden of  Eden, flocks and fruit and strong cities and multiplied people.... They will know that God, their God alone is Lord!

The Shepherd speaks to me about consequences .  To look to God, to praise Him and thank Him, to recognize Who He is and that all belongs to Him and all we have comes from Him. This is the attitude that is right in His sight and that He blesses.  It takes a new heart from Him and the Holy Spirit within to live and be fruitful.  This is His desire for us.  But those who refuse to believe and obey and bow before Him.  The arrogant and rebellious, who think that they can do whatever they choose.  Their destiny is sure.  Waste and emptiness.  Desolation.   The Little book The Imitation of Christ states that we need "compunction of heart ". An anxious awareness of our guilt. Remorse for our sins.  We want to be comforted and consoled by The Lord, but we fail to mourn over sin and absence of holiness.  Search your self.  Come with all humility.  Ask for a spirit of compunction .  A very hard prayer indeed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Psalm 147 Praise The Lord !   "His understanding is infinite " v5.  Innumerable  intelligence, wisdom,   Discernment, skillfulness, reason.   There is not one thing that He does not know!  And in HIs infinite  understanding God chooses to heal the brokenhearted, bind the wounds of the afflicted,and bring down the wicked.   " The Lord favors those who fear Him, those who wait for His lovingkindness ."
Praise The Lord!

Ezekiel 34.  The shepherds of the flock of Israel have failed to do their job.  They have not fed the sheep, they have not taken care of the sick or broken, and have not sought for the lost. Instead they have used the sheep to fatten themselves and clothe themselves in their wool.  God is taking the flock out of the hands of the abusive shepherds and becomes their Shepherd Himself.  He will care for His sheep, He will feed them, deliver them, and bring them to rest.  He will seek the lost, bind up the broken, and strengthen the sick.  He will also judge between one sheep and another.  Between the rams and the male goats.  Between the fat sheep who push the others around and thrust at them with their horns and the lean who are oppressed .  Then He will set over His flock HIS SERVANT,  the Son of David .  Jesus Christ is the great shepherd .  He will feed the sheep and make them a blessing! Then they will know that  The Lord their God is with them.

The voice of the Shepherd:  this is all fulfilled in our Great Shepherd Jesus!  All that He did and said fulfilled this Word to Ezekiel .  This is the Family business ! Isn't it interesting that God describes Himself in this way?  A shepherd !  A shepherd Who cares for His sheep.  He cares for each of us that are His sheep.  The goats try to blend in with the sheep, but God is not fooled.  He will separate them out from His flock.  I am reminded of the flocks in Africa ,that run freely all over the towns.  I couldn't tell the difference between the goats and the sheep there until my sister told me that the ears of the sheep are different .  It helps to know what to look for when trying to distinguish between goats and sheep.  God doesn't have a problem with that but sometimes we do.  The shepherds job is spelled out here. Strengthen the sickly, heal the diseased, bring back the scattered, seek for the lost,  bring them to the Good Shepherd .  This is the Father's business, the business that the Son went about.  The business that we are also called to do as we follow Jesus.  Over and over Jesus spoke about the fact that He came to do His Father's work.  This is it!  What a wonderful picture of our Savior.  Thank You Lord!  Let us also be about the Father's business .

Monday, February 11, 2013

Psalm 147  - To sing praises to our God is a "good" thing.  It is pleasant and becoming. Acceptable and suitable for He has given us life and breath for that specific purpose.  We praise Him because of His goodness - He gathers outcasts, He heals the heartbroken, He binds our wounds.  We praise Him for He is strong  and infinite in understanding - He numbers and names the stars,  He helps the afflicted and takes down the wicked.  He is the Provider - clouds, rain, sunshine, snow, grass for the beasts and food for man.  He is the Protector -" strengthens the bars of your gates"  and "makes peace in your borders" , He melts the ice and snow!   He is imminent - He speaks to us - sends us His commands, declares His words, makes known His ordinances.  He is here and vocal about His will for our lives.  Yes, it is GOOD to praise the Lord our God!

Ezekiel 32  Over and over again God declares that no matter who they are, no matter how beautiful, powerful, mighty, or terrifying - death comes and judgement is rendered.  Egypt, Assyria, Elan, etc - powerful nations,  bringing terror upon their enemies are each slain, buried, and ashamed.  In life they were fierce and feared, but in death they are like any other corpse.  God will bring justice. And they will all know that He is the LORD!

ch. 33  The watchman's duty is to warn the people of the sword ( judgement) that is coming.  If the person does not listen to the warning then it is on his own head.  But if the watchman does not give the warning then he is guilty of the blood of those not warned.
God declares again that He will judge each person based on his deeds.  If a righteous person turns to sin, then he will be judged because of that sin.  If a wicked person repents and practices righteousness and justice, he will be given life. 
Jerusalem is taken captive, just as God warned.  The people come to Ezekiel and is mouth is opened to speak again.  Yet even now they are boasting that they will take possession of the land again.  God indites them for their sinful behavior - they eat meat with the blood in it,  they worship idols, they commit abominations,  they hear the Word, but don't do what they hear.   They "do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth and their heart goes after their gain."   They still want to live their own way and not submit to God.   Even with the desolation of Jerusalem they fail to fall on their faces before God and repent.

The Shepherd speaks clearly here.:
1. Judgement of the wicked is certain.  No matter who they are in this world, life ends and then the judgement.  
2.We have a responsiblity to warn others of the coming judgement.  What they do with that warning is up to them, but we must warn them.  
3. We must watch our own lives to keep walking in righteousness and justice.  To listen to the Word of God and to be careful to practice it. 

God is King!  He rules and reigns and His Word will be accomplished.  Listen carefully and do what He asks.  Praise Him.  Give honor, reverance, and glory to Him.  Obey with fear and trembling.
Praise the Lord.

Friday, February 8, 2013

2/8/13  Psalm 148  Praise the Lord.  "Praise for all His godly ones; even for the sons of Israel, a people near to Him" ( v. 14)   When was the last time I praised God for His godly ones?  For brothers and sisters who live for God and serve Him faithfully.   Praise God for teachers and preachers, for those who are making the Name of the Lord, the Gospel of Christ Jesus known in churches and on mission fields, in homes and in communities.   Praise the Lord for faithful men and women who live out simple lives of faith and godliness.  Brings to mind a precious man who passed into glory this past week.  He truely had the gift of encouragement.  A simple word "Thank you" from him when I sang in church was such an encouragement to me.  It made a difference.  Praise God for men like this.  Praise God for my husband, who is so faithful in serving.  He definitely has that gift.  He serves at church, mowing, mopping, moving tables and chairs, making coffee.... whatever is necessary. Even when others have treated him poorly, he serves.   He serves those in need in the community, often sacrificing his own money, time, and physical strength.  And he serves me, in so many ways, from doing dishes to setting out a cup for my morning tea.  Praise the Lord for this godly man.

Ezekiel 30-31  Egypt and Assyria are the next nations to come under judgement from God.  Egypt is proud of his power,  Assyria was proud because of its beauty.  But no matter how strong or how wonderful a nation looks on the outside, wickedness on the inside is judged by Almighty God.
They are brought down.  Humbled.  And "they will know that I am the Lord".  God is over all!
He causes lamentations.
He closes the deep ( seas)  and holds back rivers.
He stops water from feeding the mightiest of trees.
He makes nations quake.
He makes them fall and be buried.
He takes down to Sheol those who are slain.

The voice of the Shepherd:   What is true of nations is true for each of us.  It does not matter how much power or beauty or money etc that we have.  The outside, mortal, temporary status of life on this earth is not what counts.  It is what is in our hearts.  If we are wicked inside... God will take us down.  Our hearts are known by God.  When He humbles us we will know that He is the Lord.  There is not a man or woman on this planet that will not be humbled before God.  We can humble ourselves by repenting and turning to Him,  or He will bring us down to Sheol, to eternal judgement.  Let us come willingly to the One Who sits on the Throne and bow before Him and worship Him alone.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2/5/13   Psalm 148   Praise the Lord!  From the heavens, from the earth, from the mountain tops, from the universe, from the earth.   Every created thing, everything that He has created and established - Praise the Lord!  Why?  " For His Name alone is exalted; His glory is above earth and heaven." (vs 13)    He alone is worthy of praise- of "halal" - to be clear, to shine, to boast, to celebrate, to rave, to glory, to renown.   His glory - grandeur, beauty, comeliness, excellency, glorious, honor, and majesty - is above the earth and heaven.   You are altogether Wonderful!  Open our eyes to see Your glory and our mouths to praise You!   Praise the Lord!

Ezekiel 26-28  Tyre- a coastal city of Phoenicia , along with Sidon, was a center of trade for Israel and the surrounding nations. Here in Ezekiel this land is judged for its great pride.  Pride in its beauty, wealth, importance, success, and glory.   Chapter 27 lists the abundance of goods that came through this city from its trading with various countries, from Persia, Arabia, Tarshish, etc.  "And you were filled and were very glorious In the heart of the seas" 27:25   But all would be lost  when it  falls "into the heart of the seas".   Why?  "Because your heart is lifted up and your have said 'I am a god'" 28:2
God brings judgement upon Tyre.  The king of Tyre proclaimed himself equal to God,  he forgot that his wisdom in trading and acquiring goods was a gift from God.  He forgot that he was just a man, and in his pride and self exaltation, he forgot that death was certain, that sin would be judged, that he couldn't just do whatever he wanted.  In his arrogance he offended God and brought destruction on himself and his land.   How much is our country like this one?  How arrogant our government has become!  When we have a president who opposes the Word of God, is that not arrogance and pride?
How patient will God be?  It is not a matter of if, but when will judgement be poured out on America?

Tucked into the end of this chapter, vs 25-26,  we are once again reminded of God's provision for His people. Even though Israel has been scattered, the time will come when she will be brought back home.  She will be secure and provided for. Those who scorned her will be judged.  All  "will know that I am the Lord their God"  God will make Himself known to every nation.  Whether in judgement or in restoration, He intends for all to know Who He is.

What does the Shepherd speak to me today through this passage?   All I am and all I have comes from the Lord.  He alone is worthy of praise and He alone is in control.  He is God.   Where is my heart?  Have I made my heart His altar or my throne? So thankful for the Grace of God who reveals Himself as King and Lord, as well as Redeemer and Saviour.  Be exalted oh God!  You alone are worthy of all praise.