Friday, October 4, 2024

 I Peter 4:12-19   Suffering.. it is part of our human experience.  Right now we are aware of many who have suffered from a devastating hurricane.  There has been great loss.. loss of homes, loss of belongings.. and loss of life.  We have all faced some kind of loss in our lives at one time or another.  We have all faced suffering and we know that we are not immune from it.  Peter tells us in verse 12 to "not be surprised.. " at this.  But, we need to be aware of our perspective on suffering. 

First of all we need to know that "to the degree that [we] share the sufferings of Christ"  we can keep rejoicing.. for there will come a day when He will be revealed and we will "rejoice with exultation". 

We need to know that if we are "reviled for the name of Christ"... it is evidence that we "are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and God rests upon" us. 

If we are suffering as a Christian, Peter tells us, we need not feel ashamed.. but give glory to the name of Christ.  If we suffer for wrong doing, we have no right to rejoice. But, if we suffer for doing right, then we can be assured that we can "entrust our souls to a faithful Creator." That is worthy of rejoicing...

There is a judgement that will begin with "the household of God".  What will be much worse is the judgement that will come to those who do not know Him. "And if it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved, what will become of the godless man and the sinner?" 

We may suffer.  We will suffer. But, in our suffering, we can identify with Jesus, our Savior. We can trust God's plan to use our suffering for His glory. It is not easy, but it is true.  We need to pray for those who are suffering. Both believers and non-believers.  Pray that God will be glorified in the suffering of the believer. Pray that God will use the suffering of non-believers to bring them into His marvelous Light. 

Father, this is our prayer.  May Christ be seen in us.. in every trial.. in every crisis.. in all our suffering.. to the glory of His Name. Amen. 

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