Friday, May 19, 2023

 John 9:1-8  There was a man who was "born blind".   Think about that.. perhaps he was born without any eyes.. or perhaps there was some damage done in-vitro.. we don't know.  This was a grown man who had never seen his parent's faces.. never knew what color the sky was.. never saw a tree or a flower. The disciples asked Jesus whether this was a punishment for his sin.. or his parent's sins.  Jesus told them that it was neither... 

".. it was in order that the works of God might be displayed in him."  The condition of this young man appears tragic to us. We question God's love sometimes when we see the tragedies of people who suffer.. we wonder at a God who allows suffering.  But, Jesus wants us to see beyond the physical  need.. to what really matters.. "We must work the works of Him who sent Me, as long as it is day; night is coming, when no man can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."   This takes us back to John 8:12 "I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

We have already learned that the work of God is to draw us to Himself.. to bring us to Jesus, Who is the  Light and the source of true Life.His purpose is to bring us to completion.. to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ His Son..   Yes, Jesus cares about the blindness of this young man.. as He cares about every need we have..  but He cares even more about the spiritual blindness of him and every man or woman who does not know God. This is why He has come.. this is the Light He came to give!

Jesus makes clay, puts it on the man's eyes, and sends him to the pool of Siloam to wash.  Think about that.. in Genesis we read how God took the "dust from the ground" to form a man, Adam. ( Gen. 2:7) He breathed into the man the "breath of life; and man became a living being."  Jesus takes some of this same dust, spits into it and forms clay.. and molds it into this man's eyes.  The man went away blind.. "and came back seeing."  He went from a life of sitting and begging.. to a life of light.  He had a testimony that would indeed "display" the works of God!

Father, You have made each of us with care and purpose.  You have designed us the way we are.. that You might display Your works in us. Even our flaws and imperfections.. even our suffering and pains.. are being used for "good".. for Your holy purpose.. (Romans 8).  You have given us Light through Jesus who is the Light of the world...and You have called us to be light and to shine in this dark world.  We follow Jesus.. walking in light with the light of life. O Lord, shine in us and through us so that others might come to know You and find truth and life through Jesus Christ.  Let us be doing the works You have ordained for us to do.. before that day when "no man can work"... when it is too late.  Have Your way in our lives today.. that all we do.. that all we are.. and all we say.. will reveal Your works.  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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