Wednesday, May 24, 2023

 John 11 We are learning that everything that Jesus did had a divine purpose.. He did the works of His Father.. and the Father's purpose was to draw us to Himself.. to draw us to Jesus.. to save us, rescue us, redeem us, transform us.. and to bring us into the likeness of the Son.  

This miracle.. the raising of Lazarus from the dead.. is meant to show us the "glory of God".. that we might believe that Jesus is "the Resurrection and the Life".  That we might believe in Him and live.. even if we die.  This is an enormously important sign.. that brought many to faith in Jesus.. and also moved the Jewish council to plot His death. 

Everything about this situation was purposeful.. that Jesus was away.. "beyond the Jordan"... that Lazarus became sick and died.  That Mary and Martha sent for Jesus, but He did not come right away. And, that it was 4 days that Lazarus was in the tomb before Jesus called him out. 

We are told that Jesus loved Lazarus, Martha, and Mary.  We know that He had spent many nights in their home in Bethany, outside of Jerusalem.  We know that Jesus wept with Mary at the tomb of her brother. We know He challenged Martha's faith and that she was steadfast in her belief that Jesus is "the Christ, the Son of God, even He who comes into the world."  Yet, when Jesus asked that the stone be removed from the tomb's entrance.. Martha was concerned about the stench.  Oh how precious are the words that Jesus says to her.. "Did I not say to you, if you believe, you will see the glory of God?"  He did not condemn her for her doubts or concerns.. but encouraged her to keep having faith in Him.  And she did... and saw God's glory!

"Lazarus, come forth!" Jesus cried out.. and "He who had died came forth, bound hand and foot with wrappings; and his face wrapped around with a cloth.. "  What a sight that must have been! How could any of those who saw this with their own eyes doubt the truth about Jesus. He has authority over life and death!

We can trust Jesus in every circumstance.. even in death.. our own or that of a loved one.  Not that it is easy.. we know it isn't.. but we can cling to Him in faith, believing that He has a purpose.. and that purpose is that we will see the glory of God. 

Father, I'm clinging to You.. clinging to Jesus.. who is the Resurrection and the Life. I know that Your plan is good.. that You promise to work all things together for my good.. according to Your purposes.. to bring me into the fullness of Christ.. You are at work in me, even through difficult circumstances.  Thank You.  Thank you for being on my side.. for never giving up on me.. for patiently encouraging me to have faith in You and trust You in all things.  Thank You that You do not condemn me, but justify me, intercede for me, defend me, and keep me in Your hands, Jesus!  May You be exalted in my life.. as my Lord and King forever.  Amen. 

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