Tuesday, May 23, 2023

 John 10 Jesus is the "good shepherd".  He taught that He was the "door of the sheep".. that He was the shepherd who knows His own.. and that His sheep know Him and will follow Him.  He laid down His life for His sheep.. to save and to give abundant life to His sheep.  Jesus tells us that "no one" can take His sheep out of His hand. 

What else do we need to understand from this teaching?

First of all, we need to understand that we are ALL like sheep.  We all need a shepherd. We all will follow someone. I pray that we will hear His voice and follow Him!

We also need to know that there are thieves and robbers who want to steal the sheep.  They will break in by climbing over the fence or coming in some other way.. because they cannot go through the door.  The "doorkeeper" will only open up the door for the Shepherd.  We also need to know that the "thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy."  

We need to know that there is a difference between the Shepherd and a hireling.  The hireling does not own the sheep... he is not invested in the welfare of the sheep.. he will not lay down his own life to protect the sheep.  He will run away when the wolf comes.  But, the Shepherd will never leave His sheep.  He will lay down His life for His sheep.  There is no-one and nothing that can separate the sheep from the Shepherd who cares for them.  Jesus is a great and wonderful Shepherd. People.. hirelings.. may disappoint us and desert us.. but Jesus never will!

There are sheep that will not follow Jesus, the good Shepherd, because they are not His.  Jesus told the unbelieving Jews, "But you do not believe, because you are not of my sheep."  They had every reason to believe.. because Jesus did the works of the Father.. but they called Him a blasphemer instead and conspired to kill Him.  We have every reason to believe in Jesus.. but if we choose to not believe.. to not follow Him.. we will not be His sheep and will not have the life that only He can give. 

Jesus also taught that He had more sheep that would come into His flock.  "I must bring them also, and they shall hear My voice; and they shall become one flock with one shepherd."  WE are those sheep.  We who hear His voice and follow Him.. who believe that He did lay down His life and took it up again.. to give us eternal life.. WE are in His hand.. We belong to the Father and to the Son.. and "no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand."  The thief cannot steal, kill, or destroy the one who stays safely in the care of the Shepherd. 

Believe and keep believing these Truths!  The Father and the Son love those who are theirs.. the sheep who know their voice.. who believe and follow the Shepherd. Abundant and eternal life are ours as we continually stay in His fold.  

Perhaps something else that we can learn from this parable is that we belong to the Shepherd.. and are part of His flock.. we are not supposed to be alone in this walk with Jesus.  We belong in the fold.. together.. one Body.. one Church.. one Flock.. with One Shepherd.. the good Shepherd who gives us life. It is important that we are together.. encouraging, helping, sharing, and loving one another as we walk along this path to eternity. 

Father in heaven, we pray that You will help us to fully understand the Truth of Your Word.. that Jesus is in You and You in Him.. and that we are in Him and therefore.. in You too... that we are together as a body of believers in the Shepherd's care.   Help us to comprehend the greatness of our salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ our good Shepherd. How wonderful is the gospel of Christ! Keep us abiding with You.... do good in our lives.. working out all things for Your purpose.. to bring us into the likeness of the Son.  We are looking to You for all of our need.. trusting You for every moment.. and giving You thanks and praise for Your great kindness to us. Be exalted O God, we pray... in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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