Thursday, May 4, 2023

 John 6:1-14  Jesus went to the other side of the sea.. and the multitude followed. They were desperate for Him. They would have gone anywhere to hear Him.. to find healing.. to be in His Presence.  The one thing they didn't have.. was food.  They didn't take the time to pack a picnic.. they didn't have time to stop by the drive-thru and get a meal to go.. they just went.. 

Jesus saw them coming. He already knew their needs.. He intended to meet that need in a way that none of them could have imagined.  There was not enough money to buy food for all of them.. and there was nowhere to buy it anyway.  But, one young boy had "five barley loaves and two fish".  And he gave it to Jesus...

Jesus took the bread and fish.. and He gave thanks for it.  Then He broke it.. and distributed it.... and it was enough to fill everyone there plus 12 baskets full left over!

The first thing that this makes me think about is this.. am I desperate enough for Jesus to follow Him without hesitation?  Can I just leave everything else go.. and seek His Presence.. His Word.. His touch? I know it is always worth it when I do.. May God give you and me that desire and desperation for Jesus!

The second thing I want to meditate on here is that.. though I don't have much.. I can give it to Jesus and He will make it something much, much more! If 5 loaves and 2 fish can feed 5000 plus people and have 12 baskets left over.. then anything I give to Jesus.. He can use in ways that I can't even imagine.  What do we have that we can put in His hands.. and watch Him work?

Father in heaven, thank You for such a wonderful Savior, the King of kings and Lord of lords.. who became the Bread of life.. broken for us.. that we might have life. Amazing grace..amazing love. We praise You and give You thanks, O Lord. For You are so good.  Your mercies are new every morning and You are always faithful and true.  Help us to have that desperate desire for Jesus that we will seek Him every day.  Help  us to give everything to Him.. and to see what He does.. and give Him glory! Amen. 

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